Chapter 1

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okay here's the first chapter it's kinda short but the chapters get slightly longer from here on

Jamie on the left ->

enjoy :)


It was the morning of our flight, I was not excited, most definitely not about the fact that I’d be sitting in a plane for over 12 hours.

I climbed out of bed dragging my feet to shower. I didn’t bother styling my hair like usually so I just wiped it out of my eyes and wore a beanie. For clothes I ended up with a tank top, black skinny jeans with a hole on the knee and to top it off with black vans and a black/red plaid wrapped around my waist.

After getting ready for the worst day of my life I took my bag which was stuffed full cause I wasn’t sure what clothes I’d need and headed downstairs. Both of my parents were already up and ready to go.

“I thought you had died or ran away already.” My dad joked rubbing my head in a fatherly way.

“Ready?” He continued.

“No.“ I answered bluntly. He just laughed and walked out of the door mom and me following him.

Everything was packed in the taxi ready to get to the airport. I dug my iPod out of my pocket and put on some Blink-182. I checked my phone for texts. There’s was two from my best friends Isaac and Kira.

‘Sucks that you have to go to Germany we had so many parties to attend to, and now I’ll be going to them by myself. I hate you. JK. Gonna miss ya bro and you better bring me something alright?’ – Isaac

‘Have fun in Germany, I’ll miss you though.  Love you :(‘ – Kira

I frowned and stuffed my phone back. God this sucks.

If there was anything more annoying than my dad’s lame jokes, it’s airport security. In the line I was already getting dirty looks from the security guy like I was going to blow up the plane or something. And I did the what a normal 17 year old boy would do, hide behind my mom. Yup.

By the time we actually got to the plane I was starving, so I made the flight attendant bring me all the possible food there was.

The whole flight wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t have to be stuck between my dad and a very hairy old guy with the creepiest mustache ever, who I swear he could have been a pedophile. But not to forget to mention the most annoying brat ever, a 10 year old boy sitting behind me and kicking the living shit out of my seat. I could have killed him right there right now. I seriously could not wait this flight to be over and done with.

It might have been the longest flight ever but we made it to Berlin. Not that I was that excited to be there but excited to get the hell out of that plane. Right before we got out of the plane I flipped the annoying brat off since we probably aren’t going to see each other ever again so it wouldn’t matter.

“That flight wasn’t so bad was it darling?” My mom asked me.

“Yes dear mother, it really was.” I said giving her a fake smile.

“Oh cheer up kid, we’re in Berlin. It’s going to be fun.” My dad said. I just rolled my eyes as I continued walking out of the airport.

It was about 5am when we arrived to our hotel, it didn’t look so terrible, well at least not at this time of the night/morning whatever you call it. If I was lucky I'd hopefully get few hours of sleep before all the tourist stuff begins… can’t wait.

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