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Larry's POV (two hours before)

Larry was at work, he was in the middle of an important business meeting when his secretary came in and put a note in front of him letting him know after the meeting that he had a visitor in his office waiting and that they said that it was urgent.

He already knew it was probably Mieshia because he had been ignoring her calls all morning, only because he was busy.

There was a lot going on at the office and he just didn't have time to deal with Mieshia. She was never messy, rude, or like the typical "baby momma" she never even asked him for money, he just put it in her account once a month, always on the first like clockwork. He had no problems or issues with Mieshia, never has, he just didn't feel like being bothered. He had a lot on his mind, and he was extremely stressed out. He would do anything in the world for Mieshia, but right now was just not the time.

"Yes Mieshia" he said walking into his office and sitting down at his desk taking a deep breath, putting his head in his hands. When he heard no response, he looked up to see her crying. He hated to see women cry especially Mieshia because he had already caused her enough pain throughout the years. He immediately got up and went over to her and grabbed her hand sitting down in front of her.

"Mieshia, why are you crying?" He asked her rubbing the tears away. "Michelle, it's Michelle" she responded through tears. "What! What's wrong? What happened?" He asked panicky.

"She, she was in an accident and it doesn't look good. She'll need a lung, and blood, but I'm not a match. I don't know what to do" she cried into his shoulder. "I'll give her my lung and blood" he said with tears in his eyes. "But how do you -" she began asking him before he cut her off.

"When you came back to town and I realized she was mines that Friday she had a doctor's appointment, remember" he asked as she nodded her head. "Well her doctor was a friend of the family and I asked her the blood type and everything, so I already know. And I also had a DNA test done, not because I doubted she was mines, but just for security purposes. I put her in my will that same day. If something happens to me, I'm leaving everything to my children."

She smiled, no matter what he had put her through, he always had a huge heart.

He and Mieshia went to the hospital to see Michelle. Since the accident she has been somewhat responsive. Due to the pain they sedated her pretty heavily so all she did was sleep all day. When they got to her room he was relieved that Victoria wasn't there yet, he needed to plan out how he would come clean to not only Victoria, but his wife.

He stood by Michelle holding her hand and just looked at her. "I called Gina" Mieshia said under her breath, barely above a whisper.

"What" he snapped looking at her. "You heard me, it's time Larry. The girls are about to be twenty-three years old, they deserve to know, both of them, and so does Gina, we can't keep lying to them" she said with tears in her eyes. They began to argue. Larry knew that she was right but he just couldn't, how do you explain a situation like this to your wife and daughter, and this wasn't the only thing he was hiding. Within a few minutes, everything he had been holding in for so long would all come out, and he had no idea how the news would be taken.

(Present time)

In the middle of their arguing the door opened, revealing Victoria. They instantly got quiet as Mieshia looked away cleaning her face. "What's going on" she asked but neither of them said a word.

"Somebody better tell me something. I could hear y'all yelling down the damn hallway. And I come in you two want to be quiet. What is this? What's wrong" she asked looking at her father.

"I've decided to give the blood that she needs for the transfusion and I'm giving her my lung" Larry said looking at Victoria. "Thank you daddy for helping Michelle. I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do without her, she's my best friend, she's like family. But how do you know your blood is a match? And I know we're close but why are you so emotional, you never get emotional, you didn't even cry during mom's surgery." she said realizing he was crying and staring off into space. Before she could ask him what was wrong, Mieshia stopped her.

"Larry!" she shouted.

"Damn it Mieshia shut up, just shut the fuck up" he screamed at Michelle's mother.

"Our blood is a match, I've known since she was about two years old. I know because I'm, well, I, I -" he was trying to say before he just broke down crying.

"He knows because he's her biological father" Mieshia yelled crying and storming out of the room running into Gina who was walking in.

"Oh no, come back in" Gina said stopping Mieshia from walking any further. "Larry Jermaine Scott, explain. Because I know I didn't just hear what I think I heard" Gina said looking at Larry angrily.

This chapters was kind of long, but I had to get everything out there, this little drama hasn't even started to behind, trust me, you guys are in for a real roller coaster ride in part 2, enjoy!

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