Chapter 2: Jack is back

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"J-J-Jack...?" I studder with a slight gasp.

My grey eyes are probably wide with the most dilated pupils ever, I try to close my mouth but fail and have to manually shut it.

I back up a step as Jack steps forward and extends a gloved hand towards my face.

He sighs and ungloves his hands and pulls off his mask dropping them, he steps closer and I back up until I hit the black painted wall I now wish wasn't there.

He lifts his ash colored hand and brushes it against my cheek softly as I shiver slightly scared of what he might do.

Was he mad at me for leaving without telling him? Was he going to kill me now because of it? These questions and many like them ran through my head whilst he was touching me.

"Yeah it's me Cecelia, and I know it's you because of your fluffy hair and soft skinned cheeks." He said in his now deeper voice that seemed to hum, it was almost a seductive tone.

             It was perfect for him.

As he said this he cluthed a few strands of hair in his hand and kissed my cheek as he always did.

I eased a little, he wasn't here to hurt me.

"W-What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked in a curious but low tone.

Jack's face formed a smile as he stared into my grey eyes with his eyeless sunken-in pits.

"I came for you, my princess, I searched for you all over and I was fixing to give up when I saw you this morning, I followed you home so I could come save you as your prince." He said pinning me to the wall with his thin but strong build pressed against me, my hands above my head.

"I'm here, as your safe haven." He added on and let me go.

I took a big breath and spoke up.

  "Jack, if you appear in my life again I'll be in trouble again, I won't be able to focus on my studies. You can't just pop up out of nowhere and 'Rescue me', Jack." I told him and he sighed.

"I watched you through school, you seemed miserable, and that whole scene after school.... I want to save you from that, to protect you!" He says grabbing my hand in his as I walk to the window.

"Jack, you wouldn't be saving me from anything, what are you saying anyway? You stalked me at school and home and then make me feel bad about my terrible life? Well stop Jack, we can't be friends anymore, so just leave." I tell him and he pouts like a little kid.

"But Cecelia, please..." he says pulling me into a hug. "You're my only friend, please, don't de-friend me..." he says and I feel something wet fall on my shirt. It's the black gooey substance that pours from Jack's eyeholes, it's as if he's crying.

He sobs into my shoulder and I sigh, he's really upset about what I say.

I wrap my arms around Jack and embrace him as his grip tightens on me.

"Jack... I-I'm sorry..... we... we can still be..... friends." I tell him in the softest voice I can manage but he continued to cry.

I lift his face to look at me, breaking the hug, he looks at me and I put my forehead to his as our noses touch.

"It's okay Jack, were friends... and..... I'll let you save me." I tell him and his tears stop and he does something unbelievable, he kisses me.

When he pulls he does nothing but stare at me before going to window.

"I'm your safe haven, your prince, and you are my princess. I will be back to rescue you my beauty, I will save you." He insist and jumps out the window leaving me in shock on the floor staring out the window like an idiot.

"H-He..... k-k-kissed m-me....." I studder and sink to my knees.

'What have I gotten myself into?' I think to myself with a mental sigh.


Sorry, I know it was a shorter chapter but some stuff definitely went down.

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, I'm having fun writing it.

  The almost winter weather makes it all better, I feel inspired by the cold.

Bai my firetrucks ♡ I love you all.

P.S. Sorry for any misspellings or incorrect grammar.

¤ Madi ¤

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