"Oh, what did you get?"


"What?!" she smiles. "Fuck yeah! Congrats, girl!"

"Thank you! It makes up for the C I got this morning."

"Oh shit..."

"It's okay," I shrug. "I can't even think about it right now."

We both step into the car. She's driving of course. I never had to tell her about my inability to drive. Lena did, and I'm thankful. I hate talking about it.

"What's been going on, girl?" Steph asks, starting the car. "Are you stressed?"

"I just... I'm confused," I tell her. "Something happened. With... uhm... Tyler."

"Tyler?" she scowls. "Are you two still arguing?"

"Not exactly..."

"You're getting along now?"

"Not really," I hesitate. "We, uh... kissed."

She gasps. "No!"




"No way in absolute hell!"


"No fucking way!"


"I don't believe it! When was this?"

"After he was arrested last week."

"What, he just came home and kissed you? I need details!"

"We were talking about what happened. I was worried he'd be charged and get sent to prison. But he... he said he wouldn't go to prison without kissing me again. So... we did."

"Sarah!" she gushes. "That's so fucking cute!"

"It was," I can't help but smile at the thought, but I tell myself off.

"Why aren't you happy?"

"Because I haven't heard from him since."

"What?" she scowls. "You haven't spoken?"

"Not one word."

"Is he avoiding you?"

"I think so."

I've been trying to make excuses for him. Thinking he's probably busy with work, or class, but nothing can justify his absence. It doesn't make any sense. It has to be on purpose.

"That's weird..." she says. "Why would he do that?"

"Because he's an ass," I grumble.

"You can say that again," she snickers. "What is wrong with him?!"

"I don't know! It's so frustrating, I just want to scream at him!"

"Do it, sis! Fuck him!"

"Why does he think it's okay to do that to me? I thought we were doing well. We were being nice to each other, and then he does this!" I ramble. "Why would he say such a sweet thing to me, and then ignore me after? It doesn't make any sense!"

"I swear guys are the absolute worst."

"Tell me about it," I sigh. "How are you and Lena?"

"We have a date," she grins.

"You do?!" I gasp. "Finally!"

"She called me, and we talked it out. We're going to get ice cream at the beach."

"Aw, that's so cute!"

"I know, right? I'm excited."

"Well, I'm glad your love life is going well."

"Don't worry, girl. Tyler will come around."

"I'm just happy you and Lena are giving it a shot."

"Me too," she smiles. "Me too."

I eye our surroundings, noticing how industrial the buildings are getting. As soon as Steph flicks her indicator on, my stomach drops. It's the same gym Tyler took me to.

It looks different in the daytime, but it's almost just as unappealing. The main difference is the amount of cars in the parking lot, and the light pouring through the open garage door. In fact, all the doors are wide open. I peek inside, checking to see if Tyler or Owen are there. I don't spot them.

"They'll have change rooms, right?" Steph asks. "I need to change my bra."

"Probably," I nod. "I need to get changed, too."

I can't really exercise in a skirt and blouse.

"I'm not going to risk it. I'm getting changed here."

"What?" I scowl.

She shrugs. "Just get changed in the car."

I give her a quizzical look, but she's completely serious. I look around the parking lot, checking to see if anyone's around to see us. There's no people, but I do spot something even worse.

Tyler's car. 

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