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Valerie held the cup in her hands, slowly sipping the liquid inside whilst exchanging glances between Amy and Nick.
Nick was in the army as well, they joined around the same time but he left a few years prior and became a paramedic where he met Amy a few years later. The trio met on a regular basis, they talked regularly about the war and sometimes the avengers because Nick was a huge fun which sometimes made Amy and Valerie laugh.

"You should become a paramedic, when you're ready, of course" Amy offered.

Valerie smiled lightly, "Thanks Amy, I'll consider it" To be totally honest Valerie didn't know what to do. She'd been in the Army since she was around nineteen years old and now she was coming up thirty four.

"I just don't know what to do," Valerie spoke up tears forming in her eyes,  "I thought coming out would be easy"

Nick sighed, he knew what Valerie was feeling, he knew what it was like coming out trying to start a new life and trying to reconnect with his family, which didn't really turn out well as both his sister and mother were angry at him going to join the army. He also the knew the psychological effects it has on you, the sleepless nights thinking about all the bodies,the blood.
Amy on the other hand empathised with Valerie, she hadn't been to war, she didn't plan on going to either. She couldn't believe to imagine the psychological impact it has on a person. Amy used to hear stories from her dad or uncle about going to fight and how horrific it was. She would never wish that on anyone. Not in a million years.

Just then Valerie felt a buzz from her phone, she looked at it, it was a message from Alex, her boyfriend. Alex was very protective of Valerie, he didn't like her going out, more so after she came out of the army.

"I have to go, Alex needs me" Valerie spoke as she excused herself from Nick and Amy.

"Bye!" Nick and Amy spoke in unison watching Valerie leave their house.

Valerie had a lump in throat walking back to her house. She knew what was coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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