He quickly decided against stealing the keys to his car, as he knew JARVIS would definitely tattle on him. He didn't want to lose his driving privileges for any longer.

Peter made a mad dash to the kitchen hoping to see anyone of his many aunts or uncles who lived in the tower. Unfortunately, the kitchen was empty except the bowl of fresh fruit Pepper must have put out for him before she had to go to her meeting.

Peter started shoving the fruit into his mouth, realizing his super metabolism needed feeding.

"JARVIS," he asked, "Where are the Avengers?"

"They are all still sleeping. Except for Mr. Rogers, who is currently in the gym."

"Great," Peter mumbled to himself. "Can you wake up Dad for me? Tell him he needs to take me to school ASAP."

"Right away, Peter."


"I totally regret taking away your car keys," Tony said after a yawn while driving 30 mph above the speed limit.

He was nursing a to-go cup of coffee in his hand and was still in his pajamas with heavily tinted sunglasses to shield his eyes from the sun.

"It's called karma," Peter responded cheekily.

"You know what? This is your fault. If you would've woken up earlier, Happy could have taken you to school. Then we wouldn't have had this problem."

"JARVIS didn't wake me up because of that stupid 'Baby-Monitor Protocol.' So actually, this one's on you, Dad. But you can totally repay me by letting me drive this car some time."

God, his kid was going to be the death of him. His hair was already going grey. He didn't need this kind of stress in his life.

Tony put his new silver Lamborghini into self-driving mode to glare at his troublesome offspring. "That's Funny, kiddo. After you scratched the '62 Ferrari, you're not getting anywhere near my cars."

"It was only a small scratch," Peter argued.

"Yeah, a small scratch on a car I paid $48 million for," Tony retorted, "You're too dangerous, kid. I can't take anymore chances."

"But Daddd," Peter whined, showing off patented pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, Pete." Tony patted his son's back before continuing, "You're not a cute little six year old anymore. That doesn't work on me."

He was lying. While his son may not be a baby anymore, he was still as cute as the day he was brought home from the hospital. But Peter didn't need to know he could get anything he wanted from his father with only one look. That would just be too easy.

Peter slumped in his seat, and shifted his gaze to the window, staring at New York's skyscrapers on the way to school.



The school was buzzing. It was the day of the field trip. All the juniors at Midtown High were speculating where they were going. Apparently, the school had to pull some major strings to get the field trip approved, whatever that meant.

Even MJ, who usually didn't care much about the gossip around school, was interested as to why the school was being so secretive about their annual field trip.

Flash Thompson, who originally wasn't allowed on the trip, got his parents to donate enough money that the school had to let him go. And to top it all off, Flash was spreading rumors to everybody that he knew where they were going.

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