Victoria G Interviews Connor Cain

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become an actor?

Connor Cain: I've always wanted to act and be on TV. My mom says I was born a performer. I can remember being not even two years old, and dancing around my living room to the High School Musical movies, and acting out the parts of the characters in the movies and shows I watched.

VG: What is your favorite project you have ever done?

CC: I've honestly enjoyed all of the shows that I've been lucky enough to work on, but Timecrafters was a really exciting project. It was fun being on location with the other kids in the cast, and we all just had really great chemistry. It was a good time.

VG: What is the audition process like for any show or movie?

CC: Well, getting auditions is tough, but I have a pretty great team, who helps me get lots of opportunities. Once you have an audition, you're sent the sides (script), and I usually work on studying the scenes and memorizing the lines. Typically, I'll schedule some time with an acting coach, and then after that, go in for the actual audition. If they like what they see, they will ask you to come back in for a callback, usually with a producer or director. From there, you just keep doing what you've been doing, and hope you're what they're looking for. There are always a lot more that say no, than yes, so I try to just put it out of my mind until I hear something. It's always a great feeling to hear that someone wants me for their project.

VG: In what ways are you and your Schooled character, Bobby Maloney alike?

CC: Let's see...other than the fact that we look a lot alike...??? Honestly, we might be a lot alike. Bobby is kind of a goofball, just trying to navigate junior high. We may differ in that he doesn't want to be thought of as a dork, and I don't really care if people think I'm goofy.

VG: What episode of Schooled has been your favorite so far?

CC: I love them all, but the Money for Rent, episode is hilarious to me, when CB is trying to teach the Sex Ed class to us.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

CC: -fun -confident -goofy

VG: Do you have any hidden talents?

CC: I don't know that it's really a hidden talent, but I'm actually a pretty good singer. In the episode I guest starred in on, The Kids Are Alright, that was actually me singing at the beginning of the show. I love to sing.

VG: What is something not many people know about you?

CC: I'm starting to learn the piano, and I'm really excited about maybe trying to write some music.

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

CC: Hopefully still doing what I'm doing now, even more successfully!

VG: What are your social media handles?

CC: Instagram @officialconnorcain Facebook Connor Cain

VG: What advice do you have for an aspiring actor?

CC: Start by taking some acting classes, get involved with school plays/drama programs, and just follow your dreams.

VG: What's next for you?

CC: I don't know, right now. I'm just taking things as they come and hoping for the best!


CC: Marvel

VG: Cats or Dogs

CC: Dogs

VG: American food or Mexican food

CC: Mexican food

VG: Pizza or Pasta

CC: Pasta

VG: Disney or Nickelodeon

CC: I love lots of shows from both!

VG: Computers or Tablets

CC: Computers

VG: Soccer or Baseball

CC: Baseball 

Victoria G Interviews Connor CainWhere stories live. Discover now