Jameson Jackson x Pregnant Reader

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Congrats (*・ω・)ノ✨
Requested by: enjones24

"But do you think we should name her Mavis, or Cortney?" You asked your husband a different name for the fifth time that night as he gave you a huffy look and signed for you to go back to sleep. You had been none stop with names for your baby ever since you found out the gender that day,
you were currently four months pregnant and you both had a trip too the doctor as Henrik offered to be yours for your entire pregnancy, and even offered to deliver the baby for you guys you both trusted him so of course you said yes. for your appointment you both found out the gender of your baby, and you're happy to say you'll be having a healthy baby girl. You couldn't contain your excitement as you kept on a happy grin all day and kept rubbing your swollen tummy. Jamie also couldn't as he kept rambling or signing on about their future or what they'll look like once they come out. But now that it's nearly almost two in the morning Jameson has to try and calm his overly excited wife and get you to sleep as it was important for you and their little miracle.
"But Jamie I can't sleep just thinking about little baby just makes me want to scream of joy!" You whispered as you turned over to your side to grab Jameson's hand and squeezed it gently. "Just imagine a few more months and we'll be greeted with a new member to the family. It's like meeting a family member you never even knew you had!" Your smile only grew wider as you kept going on about the baby, and eventually Jameson's smile got bigger as he imagined along with you. You chuckled softly to yourself "I can't wait" You closed your eyes as you placed your hand on your stomach only moving your thumb Jamie did the same as he placed his hand on top of yours. He leaned over to kiss you on the lips as a way of saying goodnight you smiled, then you yawned and said
"Jamie's a cute name too."

Hope you enjoy sorry it's short I'm tired
(_ _).。o○
Love you all
Words: 380

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