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Dear J,
I think I'm writing too much now, but you fucking broke me and didn't even apologize

Was it my fault?

Was I not giving you enough attention?

Maybe I wasnt you always said you wanted to see me more, but I was always working...

Maybe I should've made more time

Maybe I should've tried harder...

I can feel my heart shatter every time I think of you

Maybe it was also my fault, but you've moved on. I think it's time for me to do the same

Maybe I fucked up too but I don't deserve this much pain

This is my last letter to you

I won't be writing anymore

It's time I move on and writing you so much isn't helping my case

Yes, I love you and you will always have a place in my heart

But, I can't do this anymore

I will always remember our happy times

I will always think about the good things we had together

I don't hate you

I need you ...


I needed you,

But you are no longer by my side and you will never come back



P.s. these letters will never reach you, but I got to express all the things I could never bring myself to tell anyone else

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