Fighting the urge to roll my eyes at the stranger I said, “I know.” Undeterred by my total brush off, she decided to try another tactic. “How was life in the palace princess?”

“Peachy,” I lied smoothly. I didn’t want to give anyone the satisfaction of finding out how miserable I was there. Maybe with Cybele because her absence was one of the reasons why I was sad at the palace, but to this other girl? Absolutely not! “Okay,” she replied and went back to frying the chicken.

I glared at Cybele and stood up, making it known to her that I wanted her to follow me back to my bedroom. Once inside, I placed my hands on my chest and leaned back on the wall for support. “I thought you don’t do girlfriends?” My tone was accusing. Her expression turned from disbelief to amusement in a matter of seconds. “I don’t.”

“Then who was that girl? The way she looked at you was different.” I didn’t mean to sound mad, but my voice took that high-pitched tone that betrayed my feelings. How dare she get a girlfriend while I wasn’t with her? All those years, I have been alone and miserable in the palace while she was doing God knows what with another woman. Cybele, I will rip you to pieces, I thought bitterly.

“She’s just a friend,” Cybele smirked, her green eyes twinkling in fascination because of my outburst. “And frankly, you don’t have to know about my personal life Talia. You’re just my prisoner remember?”

My heart split in two and I bit my lips to stop from crying. She was heartless. First she betrayed me by going away when I needed her most and now she was saying things that made me bleed inside. “Fine,” I said shakily. “You’re nothing to me too.” I watched as her face fell, now mirroring the expression in mine.

“Talia. . .” She took a step to me. “I didn’t mean to. I’m. . .” She was cut off when Brooke poked her head in my room. Both of us glared in her direction. I hated her already. The girl smiled widely at us, not realizing that she ruined the moment. “The food is ready,” she said sheepishly.

Not looking at Cybele’s direction, I walked to the kitchen and sat on one of the wooden chairs. The two followed me there, staring at me as I murderously took one of the drumsticks in my hands and began chewing it primal style. “You might choke on that,” Cybele warned. I ignored her and continued eating.

Five minutes into the meal, Brooke began to start another conversation with me. God. . . What did she want now? “Do you have a boyfriend Talia?”

“I have a fiancé.”

Brooke raised her eyebrow. I caught her exchanging looks with Cybele. “I think that’s a wee bit different.” She laughed lightly, trying to make sense of what I just said. “Sounds the same to me,” I said with a shrug. Admittedly, the chicken tasted marvelous so I gnawed on it, not minding the two who watched me like I was an interesting animal in the wild.

“Ok let me rephrase the question. Are you in love with someone?”

I paused for a second and tossed the leftover chicken back on my plate. “Yes I am.” Standing up, I trashed the remaining bone and placed the plate under the sink, letting the water run while I started to scrub it with the sponge. Cybele cleared her throat. “Who are you in love with Talia?” I detected the slight tremor in her voice. Perhaps she was excited to use the information against me. I decided to play with her.

Turning to them, I leaned on the sink. “I’m in love with you Cybele.” I studied her reaction. Her eyes flashed, her hands curling on the table. “That’s not a good joke,” she said and got up from the table. Without another glance back, she walked away. The main door for the floor beeped, signaling that she was going to another area. Brooke and I were left in the kitchen.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now