Start from the beginning

He splashed back, but she ducked, turning to see Eddie, absolutely drenched, his freckled face livid. "I'm gonna get you fuckers!" he gasped, chasing after the three of them as they screamed and scrambled in the water. 

As they floundered around,  Verity realised that this was the happiest she'd felt in months. Her face felt sore from laughing so much, and she felt lighter somehow. As though some great weight had left her shoulders, and even as they played and fought, she smiled. She finally had somewhere to belong.

The radio blared from the ground beside them, the upbeat lyrics to Bust A Move filling the humid air as the group cooled down after their swim. Verity lay flat against the sun-warmed rock, eyes closed as she nodded her head to the beat. The two girls lounged side-by-side, basking in the sun as the boys stared at them, slightly awed.

She rubbed her eyes, frowning at the feeling of being watched. Blinking, she turned her head to see five pairs of eyes staring back. The boys shifted about awkwardly, nudging each other and looking away, faces flushed. 

"Perverts," Verity muttered, sticking her tongue out at the bunch. Richie scowled at her before he resumed his ogling, mouth hanging open.

Shaking her head, she reached for her bag, rummaging around until she found her camera. She adjusted the lens as the others looked over curiously, even Beverly raising her head to watch. "Well," Verity raised an eyebrow, motioning to the camera, "come on then. It's picture time,"

Her friends jostled together, pushing and shoving as they vied for a place at the front, making her smile. Richie grinned crookedly, elbow resting on Eddie's shoulder; Bill smiled gently, hair flopping into his eyes; Bev leaned her head on his shoulder, freckled face bright; Ben looked up at the red-haired girl, a soft blush colouring his round face; while Stan looked at Verity,  head tilted as his mouth curved in a grin. 

"Ready? One, two, three!" Verity called, snapping a couple of photographs.

They settled back where they'd been sitting, clamouring with demands to see the photos as soon as they were developed.

Richie leaned over, snatching up Ben's bookbag and promptly going through its contents. 

"Newsflash Ben," he said, spilling papers and pens everywhere, "school's out for summer!" 

"Oh, them? That's not school stuff," 

Richie pulled out a postcard. "Who sent you this?

"No one!" Ben snatched it back, quickly stuffing it away. 

"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked, looking over Richie's shoulder as he flipped through the pages.

"Well when I first moved here, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with." Ben looked at the ground. "So I just.. started spending time in the library." 

"You went to the library?" Richie asked in disbelief. "On purpose?" 

Bill passed the folder to Verity. "Easter explosion kills 88 children, 102 total"

"Jesus, Ben, this is a bit morbid." She said, handing it to Stan.

"What's the Black Spot?" Stan pointed to a newspaper clipping.

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