Looks like we have a problem...

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It was the day of the parade and well it was safe to say that my parents were not happy with me because I was not being the nice person they knew that I could be, you see in the past week my adoptive mother has pushed so far that I snapped and went for her, Elena and her little group had tried to kill me once again so I might have bit bonnie and told them that I wouldn't cure her which in the end my parents told me that I needed to be nice to them if I wanted to be left alone. It was safe to say that well I snapped and went off at my parents. Which brings me here now alone trying to not let my emotions get the better of me, I heard a knock on the door and decided that I would ignore it and looked into the mirror wiping the tears away trying not to let it get to me, "angel please let me in" mum said and I sighed as I wiped the tears away and got up walking over to the door and opened it looking to her, "what" I asked and she smiled as she looked to me, "we aren't angry with you sweetie" she said and I sighed as I walked back over to the table, "I would be, I yelled at you for no reason and well that isn't the daughter or child that you need" I explained and she laughed making me look at her, "you my darling daughter have my temper and well I know how to deal with that" she said.

I looked to her and couldn't help the fresh set of tears, "I'm sorry I snapped at you" I said and she smiled as she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, "I don't mind you yelling at us, it shows your father and I that you're not a child and that you're an adult" she said to me and smiled, "plus these emotions I believe are new to you again aren't they" she asked and I nodded as I looked to her, "I don't normally care what people think, but since I have had you back in my life I seem to care what you think" I explained and she smiled, "thank my sweet girl is your humanity coming back in" she said to me and I moaned as I looked to her, "I don't know if I like that" I admitted and she smiled, "well I am sure that we all will help with that" she said to me and smiled, "now where are the curlers because I will help you with this" she said and I smiled as I pointed to the draw by the bed, "in there" I said to her and she smiled as she nodded and walked over grabbing them and looked to me, "so I have a question, you are normally dark haired" she asked and I nodded, "yeah I normally am" I said and she smiled as she looked to me, "focus on your hair and turn it back to the colour it was, I have a surprise for Niklaus" she said to me and I nodded as I closed my eyes and through back to the colour I originally was.

I opened my eyes back up and looked in the mirror to see that I was back to my dark brown and smiled as mum nodded, "perfect" she said and went to curling my hair, "did you always want a little girl" I asked and she smiled, "when your father and I met he said that he would give me everything that I ever wanted because my parents weren't always the best" mum explained and I looked to her through the mirror, "did they hurt you" I asked and she smiled, "no they never hurt me, you see my parents were hunters and well it was something that I never wanted any part off and well when they found out that I had magic they disowned me" she explained and I sighed as I looked to her, "I'm sorry that they did that to you" I said and she laughed, "well when I met your father my dad didn't like that and said that I would never be happy with him" she said and laughed, "I decided there and then that when I had a baby that I wanted a girl because I would be able to show her the love and family that I didn't have" she explained and I felt bad for bringing it up, "I'm sorry mum" I said and she smiled, "don't be, I am so proud of the person you have become and not to mention that grandchildren that you have given your father and I" she said and I smiled as I looked to her again, "thank you for being accepting about Nik and I, I know that it must have been hard" I said and she smiled, "well you are worth it" she said to and smirked, "plus it helped that I knew you were a girl from the minute I knew I was pregnant with you" she said and I laughed as she went to pinning the ringlets into place so they wouldn't get in my way.

I smiled as I quickly went to doing my make-up to what I looked like back then and smiled as mum looked to me, "so how does this work" she asked me and I smiled, "trust me, there not that bad once you get the hang of them" I said and smiled as I slipped the dress over me and turned around so mum could do it up and smiled, "tight" I said and she nodded, "okay then, tell me if you need it loosening" she said and I nodded, "that's fine" I said to her and watched as she went to lacing it together and making sure it was on tightly, I moaned and looked to her through the mirror, "this is why I am glad I don't have to wear this shit anymore" I said and she laughed as she nodded, "right done" she said and I grabbed the skirt to the dress and put it on tying it to the right places and smiled as I turned around and grinned, "see not to bad" I said and she looked to me, "so you would have had maids" she asked and I nodded, "yeah I had a maid to myself due to being a girl and she would help me get dressed and things like that" I explained and mum smiled.

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