Mistaken Identities

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The following morning, Emily woke up extra early to go for a run. She hasn't let her wolf, Grace, out for a run in nearly a week, which was far too long, according to Grace. So, Emily just threw on some athletic clothing before heading down the stairs. As she passed the kitchen, she grabbed a banana to eat before her run.

As she was pealing her banana and walking, she bumped into a hard chest. She gasped slightly and looked up only to be met with the same eyes that claimed she had some sort of power radiating off of her. "Greyson. Hey." Emily greeted, taking a bite of her banana, subconsciously praying that he didn't make a banana joke since she was a girl.

Luckily, he didn't, or if he did, he didn't say it out loud. "Hey, Ems. Where are you going?" Greyson asked, his morning voice ever so attractive to Emily. She had to hold back a smug look.

"I'm going for a run. Want to join?"

"U-Uh, sorry, n-no thanks." Greyson stuttered a little nervously. Emily just shrugged before muttering suit yourself and walked outside and into the woods. Never in her entire life had anyone that Emily knew turned down a run. How strange. By the time she had reached the woods, Emily had finished her banana and started stretching, preparing for the shift.

   After she finished stretching, she went and stripped behind a tree, flinging her clothes onto a branch so that she wouldn't shred them when she shifted and so that no one would come out to the woods and steal her clothes.

   Emily turned her back to the tree before calling upon Grace who was impatiently waiting. "About damn time..." Grace commented in Emily's mind. Emily just smiled before shifting into wolf form, hearing her bones break but not feeling it.

   Soon enough, Grace was dodging trees and leaping over logs as she ran. Her paw thudded against the moist grass in sinc with her beating heart. There was no better feeling than running free in your wolf form, Emily thought, and Grace agreed.

   Grace ran for what seemed like eternity before stopping at a stream to get a drink of water. As she was slurping up the surprising clean water, she heard a twig snap behind her, making her freeze. She didn't move a muscle, not one centimeter.

   She had a plan, though. If whoever was behind her was aiming to hurt her, she had a plan. Grace always had a plan when it came to situations like these. Grace took one last slurp of water before immediately spinning around, heading straight for the familiar ash brown wolf, pinning it to the ground. It took Anna by surprise.

   Emily noticed the wolf as Anna, immediately hopping off her. Anna's wolf, Diana, sent Grace a wolfy grin. "I saw you talking to Mr. Blue Eyes back there. Am I sensing a relationship heading this way?" Anna's mind-link voiced through Emily's mind, causing her to roll her eyes. How could she have just assumed that Greyson and her were starting a relationship after one conversation and a greeting? Sometimes, Anna didn't make sense.

"No, I just met him yesterday. And his name isn't Mr. Blue Eyes, it's Greyson." Emily mind-linked Anna back, heading back over to the stream to drink some more water. She felt slightly dehydrated and that was the last thing she needed to be right now since the Masquerade Ball was later in the evening, at eight o'clock.

Emily practically heard Anna send her a smug look through the mind-link, "Sure," Anna dragged out for effect. Emily rolled her eyes internally and turned around, wanting to get back to her run.

"I got to go. See you later, An." Emily stated through her mind monotone before taking off back into the woods. She honestly didn't know why Anna was slightly pissing her off. Emily felt a little different today, she was in more of a pissy mood. And she was never in a pissy mood.

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