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If you were to ask Richie how he ended up in the middle of a big circle of kids in the field outside of his middle school with some kid he didn't even know, he would probably shrug cluelessly. It had become some kind of tradition for one of the Bowers' Gang boys to beat up a new student on their first day and since Richie hadn't beat up a new kid yet they decided to force him to beat up this one.

The problem with this was that Richie found this kid fairly good looking, not in a gay way though, just as a nice non-gay compliment, that's all. He wouldn't say that in front of Henry though. The last time he said something like that in front of Henry he got his ass kicked and he needed to get new glasses.


Right, the task at hand.

Richie hesitated, balling his fist up and lifting it. He noticed the way the boy's eyes squeezed shut and he kind of balled up into himself. This made Richie's blood curdle.

He could hear some of the kids around him yell at him to 'just do it', but the other kids either shook their heads in disappointment or shouted to leave him alone. Richie could swear he saw his elementary school friends somewhere in the crowd of people and that made his heart sink even further.

Fuck it.

And before he could tell himself not to he threw the first punch, knocking the boy to the ground before blacking out completely.

He made a boy cry.

HE did. Richie Tozier himself. He'll hate himself forever for it, but hey, at least he's got his street cred.

(AN/ idk what this is tbh)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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