chapter 1 - unsent letter

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" To Osamu,

I miss you, please come back.

Love, (Y/N) "

That's what the letter I would've given Osamu years ago, if I knew where he was.

My thoughts of him were interrupted when I hear a knock on my door, the usual knock I hear everyday at the same time, lunch time.

"Come in!", as I say that, the door opens to reveal a short male with orange hair and a hat, Chuuya Nakahara. "Hey (Y/N), I can't have lunch with you today" "Oh.? Who's the special girl?". Chuuya almost never eats with anyone else besides me, the boss, and Kouyou. "Akutagawa, he wants me to have lunch with him and Gin" "Oh that's.. new.?" I was honestly quite surprised and a bit disappointed it wasn't a girl. "Yeah, new, anyway do you want anything? I can bring it back for you if you don't plan on leaving your office", I thought for a moment, I didn't have much work left. "No, it's fine, I need some fresh air anyway. You go and have fun" I said while smiling playfully. Chuuya gave me a somewhat annoyed look before closing the door to my office.

Once he left, I decided to where to go for lunch. The cafe would be nice, I could buy some sweets for Elise while I'm there. Today's weather was pretty nice too, sunny with a little breeze. As I leave the Mafia and start walking to the cafe, I think about how Osamu and I would always go during our breaks and day offs. I still remember that day.


"(Y/N)!! Its break time! Come on!" Osamu said excitedly as he barged into my office. "Okay Osamu, let me finish this report and-" I was cut off by Osamu grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me out of the office. "H-hey Osamu! Slow down!!"

~Flashback ended

I let out a heavy sigh, one I didn't know I was carrying. As I make my way into the cafe, I sense a somewhat, familiar presence. I ignore it at first as I order. "An iced americano and a slice of strawberry cake to-go please". As the lady was taking my order, the presence kept on getting stronger. I took a seat far away from the strange entity. It's sad that I have to be on my guard even when I'm on break.

Once I got my order, I left the cafe. I would've loved to have stayed but the cake would've melted. That presence was also just giving me a weird feeling.

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