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"So.. when can I meet your parents?" Marc asks, smiling at me. I roll my eyes, "Don't be so eager; my mom is no superstar." I say. The awkward silence that follows was expected, and I try to ignore it.

"Did you ever meet him?" Marc asks eventually, his hand tangled in my curly hair. "I haven't. He left before I was born, not because she was pregnant, but because she also had cancer. When he found out about the cancer, he kinda went off the deep end. My mom says he yelled hours, before just walking out the door." Marc is silent for a moment.

He suddenly pulls me closer to his side, a serious expression on his face, his eyes boring into mine, "Well he missed out on an amazing thing..." He trails off, a hand on my cheek, "And I can't wait to meet the person who did so well raising you to become the amazing, beautiful, woman that you are." My cheeks flush. "And I just want you to know... I'm not going anywhere." He whispers, and melds his lips with mine.

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