Part 6

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Ok so this is the last part of Vkook guys I really hope u guys enjoyed it! Text me what u think!?!


He leaves after a couple of hours sitting in the heat. And after he does I break down crying. V sits down beside me and holds me tightly. He pulls me on his lap and let's my cry my eyes out. After I'm done he carries me to my room and let's me cuddle him. I think about telling him how I feel.


I hold him and he lets me cuddle him. I think it's the cutest thing ever. I open my mouth to say something but I'm not sure if I should say it after everything he just went through. He looks at me puffy-eyed and swollen nose. And I just can't hold back anymore so I kiss him and he responds by moving closer and slips his hands down my tear stained shirt. My hands are on his lower back and I pull him closer and Im a little embarrassed cause I have a problem. And he feels it and he slips his hand into my pants. I gasp as he touches my sensitive spot. I rock my hips into him and he moans my name. He bits my neck and he sucks on my neck. I lean my head back as an invitation for him to do more.
He slides off me and slips his head down and unzips my pants. I say "Stop! I can't do this. Not with you acting like this bc of your poor excuse of an exboyfriend." He looks at me and whimpers"Please Taehyung please? Let me?
I-i-i just can't bare the thought of being alone. Please V?" I say "no Jungkook I'm sorry. I will stay here but I can't do this while your like this. I just can't."

2months later
"I'm ready,Jungkook." JK almost falls out of his chair. He gulps and says " ready for what exactly?" I give him a smile and say "you know what I want." He pulls me closer and says "I've been waiting for what feels like 5 years to hear u say that"

Sorry guys but the story has to end there. They got there happy ending. Tell me what u guys think please and thank you. Tell me if u wanna read more stories of mine?!?!! Bye!!!

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