"Today our party found the boss room at the top of the tower." He said. Impossible. I was a beta tester and I never found the tower. How did this guy find out? I kept thinking. I glanced over at Asuna and she looked as shocked as I was.

"We need to defeat the boss to get to the second floor, and tell everyone at the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. Everyone at present shares this duty! Do you all agree?" He continued. Soon everyone started to clap and I clapped silently as to not be noticed. Asuna followed my actions. Soon the crowd calm down and he continued with the plan.

"Okay then let's begin our planning. First divide into parties of six." As soon as he said that. I looked at Asuna and we nodded. We both knew we need at least one more player then they will allow us to join. We looked around and saw everyone talking with each other. I saw a guy come to us and asked, "Want to make a party?"

I looked at Asuna and she looked at me. I soon replied with, "Sure." Then went to my menu and sent Asuna and the guy a request. I read the guy's name and it read Kirito. I looked that the bar and saw he was level twenty-five. While Asuna was level eighteen. I was level twenty-six. I suspected he may be a beta tester but ignored my thought. After the briefing was over we went to eat. I stood next to Asuna as we walked.

Soon we stopped at a tree and sat down. I took out some food and we began munching down on it. We were talking about the boss raid whe Kirito came. He asked if he could sit down and we said he could. We began talking about the boss raids. Soon it was time for the raid. We stood up and followed the group. While walking we made attack plans.

"I will use my sword skill to knock their pole axes up. The second I do switch in." He said.

"Switch in?" Me and Asuna said at the same time.

"Is this the first time you two were in a party?" He asked.

"Yes." We both said.

"I am more of a solo player then a party one." I said looking away.

"Okay then... Let me explain." He said. Soon we reached the boss room and it was huge. There were huge pillars holding up the side while a long carpet rolled acrossed in the middle. As soon as we walked in, the room shined in colour and the boss jumped out and landed on the floor making huge dust clouds. I looked at the beast and saw his skin was red with cyan markings. He used and axe and shield and his name was , Fang the Kobold Lord.

He summoned his minions which were red as him but wore more armor. They used maces. Soon they charged at us.

"Commence attack!!" I heard Diabel shout. As we ran towards them at full speed. Soon we were fighting a full on battle against the boss. Three people on each minion while switching targets time to time.

"Squad A! Squad C! Switch!" Diabel barked. He moved teams from left to right while fighting his own battle. The boss were taking us down slowly. Me, Asuna and Kirito were following our plan. Soon the boss was at a very low health. I saw Diabel charge at the boss when his weapon changed.

It wasn't the same as the beta test! , I saw Kirito and he looked the same.

"Asuna! Keep guard up and watch my back!" I said running in. I changed my weapon to a spear. As the boss was coming down on Diabel , I used my spear and knocked him back. Lowering his health bar a little. I jumped back and tried to switch weapons but the boss was locked on me. I dodged its attacks, attacking when I can with my spear. But I was better with a sword or bow. I saw people rushing to Diabel while Asuna was rushing towards me with Kirito.

I made the mistake of jumping back as I saw its tail lash out. It hit me and I was thrown into a wall. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see much. I did know I was picked up and it was the boss that picked me up it seemed. I lost grip on my spear and was helpless infront of the boss. I looked at my health and noticed I was very low. One hit from the boss would kill me. But I couldn't move. Soon the boss screeched and let me go where I was carried bridal style away from the boss. When I looked up I saw Kirito had saved me from the boss's grasp.

He set me down while Asuna gave me a health potion. I saw Kirito rush back to stop the boss. Fighting toe to toe with him. When finally he gave the killing blow. He had the last hit. I looked at my health and saw it turn from red to green. I forced myself up even though I couldn't see clearly. Asuna helped me up. My hood still on. He took the bonus item and rushed over to me.

"You knew...." I heard someone said. My vision soon cleared and I saw it was a guy with spiked orange hair.

"You knew this about the boss and Diabel died because of you!" He screamed at me. I stood up and looked at him.

"Yes I knew. I was a beta tester. I made it to floor eight. I fought with monsters that already learnt katana skills far above us. I know alot more then what you think." I said and pulled off my hood letting my long black hair flow down. I glared at him with my red eyes, "I know way more then any information broker would ever know." I said smirking.

"W-what?" He stuttered, "Thats worse then any beta tester!!"

"I don't care what's worse. Now if you are done whining. I'll be going." I said ending the conversation and walking off to the next floor. Asuna jogged to follow me when I turned around and told her, " Don't follow me. Go join a guild and make friends... I'll be fine."

She looked at me and hugged me. I hugged back and told her, " I won't die. I promise."

She nodded and stepped back as I walked to the next floor. Soon I focused on leveling up and before I know It I was at level Fifty two. I was on floor fourty five. Before I knew it I was walking about just looking for the boss room. When I saw a person I knew very well from floor one. Kirito.

Once a dream, Now a realityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ