chapter 1

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"Yes Dad, I know the rules. No talking to strangers, no drinking, don't leave anywhere without a buddy. Oh yeah and call every second that I'm there. Is that it?" I spoke annoyingly to my Dad.

"I'm just making sure. I don't want to lose my baby girl." My Dad grabbed me and brought me into a tight hug.

I was finally going to the beautiful city of Paris! Only me and three other friends were going. Sarah, Paul, and Blake, though I do despise Blake he's an alright guy. Sarah and Paul have been together since middle school. We had all just graduated and we had been planning this trip forever. As soon as we get back though, our lives will be different. We would all be going our separate ways. Blake with his football scholarship out of state, and then Sarah and Paul were moving to Florida. But me, I was stuck in Louisiana with my Dad. I didn't mind, it's just that everyone else was leaving me so I would be more alone...

We all said goodbye to our parents, well in my case parent. My mom died ten years ago when I was eight. So, it was just me and my dad.

The airport was crowded but we made it to our terminal.

"Val!! Aren't you excited?!" Sarah squealed while jumping up and down. She was shorter than me by almost a foot. I was about five nine. Where her hair was short and blonde, mine was long and black. Her eyes were hazel and mine were a light green.

Paul and Blake could have been twins. But, instead they were best friends. They were a few inches taller than me and semi well built with short cropped hair. Most people would say that they were attractive, most except me that is. Among the three of them they thought to get me with Blake. The only problem with that was that I didn't want him, he just wasn't my type.

"Yes! I'm super excited." I couldn't wait to see the beauty of Paris. The one good thing about living in Louisiana was that I knew some French already. I loved the cajun culture but I just couldn't wait to be in France!

"Me too!!" She squealed out. I laughed at her and so did Paul and Blake.

The boys rolled their eyes after and said in unison, "girls." Which made me and Sarah start giggling.

We boarded the plane and took our seats. Of course Sarah and Paul had to sit together, so me and Blake sat together in the seats behind them.

"Are you ready to be in the city of romance Val?" Blake asked on the side of me and winked.

I nodded, "Yeah I am. Maybe I can meet my true love." I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled.

He said something under his breath that sounded a lot like 'or maybe he's sitting on the side of you.'

I chose to ignore him and put my earphones in. I cranked up the volume on my ipod and just closed my eyes tuning everything else out. Well, everything except the flight attendant. She showed us all the good stuff and told us to fasten our seat belts. I did so, and started getting nervous as the plane started moving. I closed my eyes tight as we started to climb up into the air. After a few minutes the turbulence stopped, so I took my seat belt off. I couldn't stop thinking about Paris. My gut was telling me that something big was going to happen. I just brushed it off and got comfortable in my seat. I guess we will just have to see what happened after we land.


I hadn't realized, but I fell asleep and ended up sleeping on Blake's shoulder. He had his head on mine and was snoring softly. They had a single blanket draped across us. The flight attendant must have done that while we were sleeping.

My eyes adjusted and I looked out the window careful not to wake Blake up. There were so many lights... In the next instant the flight attendant told us to please fasten our seat belts because we were about to land. Blake woke up and smiled sleepily at me.

"We're finally here!" Sarah turned around and started snapping pictures of us. "Look Paulie, two love birds!" I stole the camera from her and she started pouting. Blake and I were both laughing at her expression. I started taking pictures of her.

"See how the tables have turned!" I snickered as she tried to get the camera back. The flight attendant gave us a nasty look, so I gave her the camera back. Sarah said thanks and turned back around.

We landed and quickly made it out with our bags. Paul got us a cab and we made it to the hotel in no time. While we were unpacking all of our stuff I noticed that there were only two beds.

"Umm guys?" I asked. They all turned around and looked at me questioningly. Just then my phone started ringing. It was my Dad. Oops... I forgot to call him when we landed.

I answered it, "hello?"

As soon as I answered he started shouting at me, "Where the hell are you! you had me so worried baby."

"Sorry Dad, we just got to the hotel. I was just excited and forgot to call."

He sighed over the phone. "It's okay. Yall go have some fun, but not too much! Call me later honey, Love you baby girl."

I smiled. "Okay Dad, love you to." I hung up the phone.

"Let's partayyy!" Sarah shouted and started dancing where she was. Paul chuckled and pulled her to him nuzzling her neck. I turned away not wanting to intrude on their moment.

"So, where shall we go first?" Blake asked.

I thought about it for a second. ""To the place that sounds the loudest!" I smiled. "But first, I'm changing." I grabbed my short skin tight white dress and black heels. I was going to look good on my first night in Paris. No telling who you might meet.

Sarah came with me and and we got ready laughing the whole time. I left my hair down curly and put on a black choker to complete the look.

After about an hour we stepped out of the bathroom. The boys looked up from watching tv and their jaws dropped. Sarah had a little black dress, but not as tight as mine.

"I hope that's a good sign" I whispered to Sarah.

She giggled lightly, "girl yes. That is a good sign." After about a minute of them staring she said "Well let's go already the nights burning away!"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the room. I looked back and noticed both of the boys staring at my arse. Maybe it wasn't a very good idea...

We walked the streets until we made it to what seemed to be a club. The doorman let us in ahead of everyone else. 'Well that's a good thing.' We stopped at the door and took everything in.

Everyone was dancing to some odd French techno music. It seemed like the whole room was throbing with the beat. They had strobe lights everywhere. 'Yep, one of us was going to get lost in here.' We started heading for the bar.

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