Being Logan's girlfriend and introducing you to Scott

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"Wait, what?" Scott asked, confused.

Logan looked down at me. "I said, this is my girlfriend, Y/n."

"Wait," he repeated, looking at Logan, then back at you. "You have a girlfriend?"

He grinned. "Sure do, cyclops. Why're you so surprised?"

"Maybe it's because you've never even mentioned being in a relationship, during the entire time we've known each other."

Logan rolled his eyes, patting Scott on the shoulder. "Maybe it's because you never asked. Anyway, Y/n, this is my friend and Team Mate, Scott Summers."

I smiled at Scott, holding out my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Same," Scott answered, shaking your outstretched hand. "So, how much did Logan pay you to do this?"

Logan rolled his eyes, glaring at the mutant.

"He didn't pay me anything," I laughed. "I'm his actual girlfriend."

Scott gaped for moment, before shaking his head. "I need some... time to process this," he murmured, walking out of the room.

As I watched Scott exit the room, Logan wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pressing a kiss to my head.

"That went well," I chuckled. 

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