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~This chapter may trigger some readers more then other chapters. Talk of depression, cutting, suicide are in this chapter! Read at your own risk and know I love you.~

~Midoriya's POV~

Its after classes and I'm getting all of Kacchans things and work from Aizawa Sensai.

"He wouldn't let Kirishima deliver this to him. He asked for you to do it specifically. But he also told me you knew whats wrong with him and to ask you. So Midoriya. Whats wrong with Bakugo?"

I sigh and look around.

"He...He's suffering from heartbreak.... Really badly. And when his crush kissed their partner in class he was crushed even more than before. Its really bad Aizawa Sensai. He won't eat or sleep. Thats why he looks so pale and tired. And he's been crying so much lately. Thats why his eyes are puffy and redder than normal. This is really bad...When we we're younger Katsuki went through an extremely bad depression. Thats where his scars are from. He says they're from battles...and those battles were against himself. He tried to kill himself Sensai....I'm was for similar reasons back then and this is how it started... A black haired boy we knew started to go out with someone else and Kacchan had loved the boy...and then all of that happend and I don't wanna lose Kacchan....Not because of someone else being dense and stupid..."

~Aizawas POV~

My eyes are wide and Midoriya drops the items he was holding and clings to me crying.

"P-please Sensai! You have to help me save him!"

I hug Midoriya feeling extremely concerned and sorry for Bakugo but also sorry for Midoriya having to also re-live this dark time from their pasts.

"Is that what you ment when you were yelling at Kirishima?"

He nods.

"Pl-please...He's in so much pain... Aizawa Sensai...."

"I'll do what I can Midoriya. Now go help your friend."

He nods and gathers all of the things he dropped and rushes out audibly squeaking once exiting the room. All Might appears in the room soon after.

"I never knew? Did you Toshinori?"

He nods.

"Young Bakugo refused to have it put on file, to ashamed. I found out during a private talk with the two of them a few months back about Young Bakugos scars."

I nod.

"What van we even do to help in this situation?"

"We'll find out. You'll see Aizawa."

I nod still concerned for my students.

~Bakugos POV.~

I sit up in bed my face tear stained and my eyes puffy. My nose is running and I'm slightly light headed. I walk into my bathroom and pull out my razor blade. Sitting on the floor unable to stand anymore, I run the blade along my forearms having already shed most of my uniform, much like five years ago.

Flashback start

I run up to a friend of mine who I had a huge crush on. I was going to confess to him today.

"Hey Kirishima!"

"Oh hey Bakugo! Guess what?!"

"Whats up?"

"Me and my crush are dating! Isn't that cool?!"

I feel my heart shatter.

"Yeah Kiri! Thats great! Congrats!"

Flashback end.

I did this same thing later that night. Ejirou...Why is loving you so painful...? At first I didn't realize it was him from middle school. After that summer I moved and lost contact. I realised who he was when he asked me to help him dye his hair a few months ago. But he doesn't remember me or recognize me. Not from back then... But it doesn't matter if he remembers,  I do. I cut my forarms deeply becoming more and more light headed by the second. I move to my shins cutting them deeply and my vision blurs a bit. Some knocks sound at the door and out of habit I rise and go into my bedroom trying get the door. But I fall to my knees and pass out just in time to hear the door knob turn. I forgot to lock it....everything go's black

~Midoriya's POV~

I open Kacchans door when he doesn't answer and walk through the small entry way into the room. I drop everything I was carrying onto the floor at the horrifyingly familiar sight in front of me.


I scream out and collapse next to my very bloody childhood friend I hear running and in the door way is the closest person to Kacchans room and so happens the only other person out of the students me and Kacchan trusted with our traumatizing past, Uraraka.

"Deku? Whats- O-Oh my god I'll get Aizawa Sensai and Recovery Girl!"


I pull Kacchan into my lap a bit and check his pulse. It's getting slower. A few minutes later the three of them rush into the room.

"H-His pulse is really sl-slow! Pl-Please do so-something!"

Recovery girl and Uraraka immediately move Kcchan off my lap and Recovery girl heals him a bit. She turns to me.

"Well whats going on?"

I let out a shaky sigh and quietly explain everything I know.

Light tapping on the door intrupts the silence that had fallen over the room.

"Hey, whys Bakugos door open. I thought wanted be left alone?"

Kirishima steps in but freezes at the sight of a bloody Bakugo on the bed and the four of us. He looks at me, my clothes stained with my best friends blood. He immediately assumed wrong.

"Midoriya?! What did you do?! Wha-"

I growl and stand up.

"I didn't do ANYTHING! This is your fault! Just like it was five fucking years ago! You've always been so dense! And Katsuki is always hurt in the end and you never fucking remember!"

I run up to Kirishima and slap him.

"Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"

Aizawa pulls me back with his scarf holding me back.

"Kirishima... Please leave and close the door behind you. We'll talk later."

Kirishima nods and leaves near tears with a hand print on his face. Aizawa releases me and I fall to the floor crying. Uraraka comes and holds me. She looks at our confused proffesers and explains since she also knows.

"Kirishima...was the boy from their past. He dyes his hair so at first they thought the names were a coincidence....until a few months ago Kirishima asked Bakugo to help dye his hair. At that point Bakugo realized that they were the same person but kept his mouth shut..."

I look up in tears.

"And he fell for Kirishima all over again only for him to break his heart. Again..."

It Hurts to Love You But I Still Do (KiriBaku)Where stories live. Discover now