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(Pretend it was like afternoon and you woke up late)
(Play song)
"I'm coming for you y/n"
You were going to call 911 but your phone didn't get charged and you locked the door you were panicking you didn't know what to do so you called Sebastian "I'm going to kill you just how you made me almost do suicide because of what happened with Alex!" You knew it was Katherine "come on come on sebastian pick up" you said sobbing you were now crying because he didn't answer "hey bbg" "sebastian please come to my house Katherine is here and she said she was going to kill me please come I need you please" "ok I'll be there"

Sebastián got to your house and you guys started talking about what to do and he said  "we're going to have to go downstairs" "no sebastian no I am not going down what if she does something to me OR TO YOU?!" "Look babygirl you need to trust me that's why I'm here for you if she does anything to me, just don't worry just know that I will always love you with all my heart" he pecked your lips and he went out the door
(When Sebastian was out where  Katherine was)Katherine was holding a knife
Katherine: "Oh look who came isn't it the famous Sebastian uh what's your last name oh right Moy WHERE IS SHE"
Sebastián: "look i don't even know why I started talking to you but ever since you've came....it's just problems what do you want from me and y/n!!?"
Katherine: well I'll be honest I want you to be MINE and leave that slut why do you want  someone ugly like her she's she's NOTHING !"
Sebastián: well I'm sorry to say but that person you're calling nothing ,ugly,and a slut is mine she will be mine forever she's perfect the way she is maybe you need to get some glasses to see clearly.
Katherine : ok well it would be a shame to do something to your girlfriend here
Sebastián:you wouldn't!
Katherine:oh no it's not going to be me it's going to be my friend here Alex and maybe after she's pregnant you won't want her
Sebastián:what do you mean?!
Y/n gets out of the room and she that Alex and another man start beating him you start to cry they stab him with the knife you start to cry much harder
Katherine:"oh I'm sorry your boo is now dead now he won't be able to defend you"
Alex throws you and takes you tot he room
He throws you to the bed he starts to get close to you but you kick him and his nose starts to bleed
Alex:oh babygirl you playing hard to get..you shouldn't have done that
He starts slapping you and hitting you soon He takes all of your clothes off except for your bra (also forgot to say Sebastian has already seen you naked) He ties you to the bed and leaves your hands hanging (but tied if you know what I mean) Katherine came to the room with Sebastian tied up "well I guess your boo came out alive I let him live just because I want him to look at this because I'm pretty sure he'll get sad and he will suffer just looking at his girlfriend getting RAPED Sebastian started yelling "please don't do this to her do something to me please" while crying (ig)
Alex starts slapping you and starts kicking you and slapping you over and over "STOP IT REALLY HURTS" you say you try to get up you remember you keep a pocket knife in your cabinet you kick Alex and you get your hands untied and start crying the rope your tied in you start kicking him he pushes you tot he floor and kicks you in the stomach really hard you tried getting inside the bathroom but it all went black...."WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" Sebastian said he tried to get the rope off of him and he did Alex and him started fighting punching each other you wake up and while they're fighting you try to say "STOP". But you just can't "STOP SEBASTIAN PLEASE...I-I-"
when you started to get raped because she didn't want to get caught the cops and the ambulance came and he took Alex Sebastian and Katherine to jail  he took Sebastian because when the cops came Sebastian was hitting and punching Alex so Sebastian went to jail.....?

Omg I cried during this I know it's not good but it's the best I can do and I thinks this song doesn't really combine the chapter but...idk

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