Lewis texting Freddy

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*Lewis joined the chat*
*Freddy joined the chat*

Freddy: Is anyone there?

Lewis: Hello!!

Freddy: Oh. This kid.

Lewis: What do you mean this kid?!

Freddy: You're the one who insulted my pizzeria!!

Lewis: .....that was Charlie....

Freddy: Who?

Lewis: Nvm

Freddy: Anyways....I came here to ask a question.

Lewis: Listening.

Freddy: How do you know if a girl likes you?

Lewis .........😑😑😑😑......

*Lewis has left the chat*

Freddy: (T_T) Whyyyyyy???

*Lewis has joined the chat*

Freddy: Well?

Lewis: How should I know?! I'm single!!

Freddy: Oh.

Lewis: Ask a girl or something!!

Freddy: Who?

Lewis: There's Chica! You hang out with her all the time!

Freddy: She's been hanging out with Carl lately...

Lewis: Who's that?

Freddy: Here cupcake. She talks to him all the time. Kinda creepy...

Lewis: Well...talk to Lizzy!! Or Ella!!

Freddy: Not Lizzy. She's asleep.

Lewis: -_- Of course she is.... try Ella!!

Freddy: Naw. I'mma try talking to Chica.

Lewis: Good luck buddy!!!

Freddy: Probably won't need it.

*Freddy has left the chat*

Lewis: .....that reminds me.....where is Ella? She never left her room for the entire day!!

Crazi_Gurl101: She's watching Dawko in her room while talking to Chica and Lizzy.

Lewis: And who the heck are you?!

Crazi_Gurl101: I'm a fourth wall breaker!!! Name's Crazi_Gurl!! You can call me Crazi!!!

Lewis: Kind of plot twist is this?!

Crazi: A crazi one!!!

Lewis: Wait I thought Lizzy was sleeping!

Crazi: Nope!! They are actually talking about- wait!! Nope!!! Can't spoil!! Bye guys!!

Lewis: Wait what?!?!

*LE POOF!!!*

Lololololololololololol!!!! Cliffhangers!!!! Suffer!!!! \(°v°)/

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