After peeing, I wash my hands and just before exiting the bathroom, I take a look at myself. Not to freshen up, because I know I look good, I just need to have a quick one on one.

"Okay, bitch... I know we're in some spooky sleep paralysis lucid dream kinda' shit but, let's still be cool. I don't want to wake up in my bed thinking about the shoulda' coulda' woulda's that I leave behind. We came to slay and do the job... and look good while doing it." I lean forward to get a better view of myself as I reapply a coat of lipstick and retouch my eyeliner. This is a time I miss my own life where make up has reached new heights. I'm sure Prince would appreciate it. This foundation is barely my shade. "Alright. Beyoncé once said, always stay gracious. The best revenge is your paper... that has nothing to do with this, it literally just makes me feel good." I pop a piece of gum in my mouth, smoothen out my skirt, and head for the door.

I open the door as a refreshed CJ, one who refuses to let Prince knock her off her square.

One left and two rights are made in order for me to make it to the front door. Upon my arrival, Prince comes emerging from the back hallways I took to get into the kitchen. Here he is in a brand new outfit sporting the kind of outfit that my father would call fresh to death. I take my own moment to look him up and down. These are the kind of moments I will never get back. Having present day knowledge, his paisley jumpsuit is far from a surprise, however, to stand before him and see it all happening in the flesh is a lot to take in. He is so breathtakingly beautiful. To think, these people around here have to take it and stride like it is nothing. Well, I can imagine them handling it. I know he's a pain in the ass and that is probably what balances it all out.

"Ready to go?"

I playfully reply, "Well, even if I wasn't, you'd probably just tell me to get in the car." He chuckle, walking past me in order to open the front door. He leads the way. I turn around to close the door behind myself and meet eye to eye with Sandy. She is waving as she closes the door for me. I barely get the chance to wave back but I'm sure she saw my smile. I turn around to see Prince far out of sight. "Where'd he go?" I look to the left, I look to the right. Then, an old white T-Bird comes pulling out of the garage. I wish I knew the year... I think I read it was from 1966 or 1967. It doesn't matter, if you know the car... you know the car.

The roof top of the car no where in sight. Prince sports a grin as the car stops before me. He clicks a button and the garage closes. I did not know they had garage openers this early in the game. "Get in." I don't give him any lip, I'm far too caught up in the idea of garage remotes even existing at the moment.

When it wears off, I reach into my bag and pull out my tape recorder to click the record play. His first stop is at a stop sign and I take that halt as time to place the recorder back in my bag. My head turning to face him for a second, I cannot help but ask, "How do you look so good and dressed up so fast? You only left for like five minutes."

Another smirk arises. "Magic."

I roll my eyes and click my pen as I lean down a bit to write a note to myself. As I write, I speak every word written aloud just to tease him. "Has... the ability... to get ready in the blink... of... an eye." I take a quick glance at him. Prince is smiling as he drives the car, I shake my head and return to writing. "Refuses to let me in on the trick."

"Some secrets are meant to be kept," says Prince.

I sigh heavily. "If you say so." The car's pace is moderate as we slowly ride through the Minnesota streets. I watch as we find ourselves going in the direction of the express way. "So, what's first?"

"Surprise, surprise. We gotta' make a stop."

My eyes wander over to the side of his face. His own gaze flickers between myself and the road before him. "I would ask where we're going but..." I look back down at the notepad in my lap. Prince's focus rests on me a little longer once we are stopped at a red light. "Some secrets are just meant to be kept," I mock with the shaking of my head.

Mother's Song| A PRN Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now