Twenty One

495 31 2

(let's just pretend that you are Alia.)
(cause why not?)

You both were asleep on the bed you two shared when he heard you murmuring something strange in your sleep.

You:No, don't! Don't leave me. No, please.. Wait!

He panicked and walked over to your side, bending down on his knees he caught hold of both of your hands, as you relaxed a bit and kissed them.

He ran his fingers through you hair relaxing you more as your wishpers vanished.

Varun: I am here baby, I am here

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Varun: I am here baby, I am here.

He kept saying this to you until he fell asleep there, your hands still intertwined with his.


(there is no one like
My Man)

Varun Dhawan |GIF series|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora