#1 - Adequate

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Raven woke in a cold sweat.

Though this happened often, it wasn't something she could ever get used to. She had nightmares nearly every night. Raven always had them more than often. However, since Trigon's capture, they became too frequent. Violet eyes began to feel wet as the horrific images replayed through her mind. She sighed, trying to stop the emotions attempting to envelop her. The demoness decided to check what ungodly hour she had woken to this time.

3:00, "Damn".

Falling back asleep would be nearly impossible. Though, to be honest, Raven didn't want to. Deciding fresh air might help clear her head, she quietly headed out of her room. Figuring the other Titans were still asleep, the empath silently made her way down to the front door. Breath. Get a hold of yourself. As she reached out for the handle, a voice spoke from behind her.

"Where are you going?"

Startled, Raven quickly turned around and met two deep emerald eyes staring at her. He stood leaning against the wall, toned arms crossed over his chest, black hair slightly tousled. Her heart turned within her chest. His unforgiving eyes dramatically stood out against the dark shadows caressing his face.

"Damian", she gasped. "What are you doing up?" She knew he was the son of Batman, but seriously, did he have to be so damn stealthy all the time?

A smirk slowly formed on the ex-assassin's lips. "I asked you a question first". He came closer, voice sultry and deep, "So Raven, where are you headed at this hour?"

The demoness gulped audibly, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. His trademark smirk made her heart beat vigorously within her. "I'm going...out for a walk". She stated as bluntly as she could manage. Raven attempted to regain her composure, but his closeness wasn't making it easy. As much as she hated to admit it, she liked him. The two birds had become incredibly close over the past few years. They confided in each other, understood each other, and allowed themselves to be vulnerable with one another. As this went on, she developed...feelings. Still, she was too stubborn to let him know that.

"Care to join?" The empath attempted to sound sarcastic, but it came out more like a whisper. She was internally angry with herself. She was Raven, a stoic empath able to hide her deepest emotions, but just a few moments with him and all that changed. She was beyond flustered and desperately hoped it didn't show.

"Very well" He shrugged. "I can't have you go alone, can I?" His hand reached for the handle, inadvertently brushing against her waist.

She forced a breath. Damian felt her warm breath caress his face. His lips twitched, realizing how close they were. Raven could feel the heat that emitted from his body. The alluring scent of his spiced soap teased her senses. Their eyes locked on each other, unmoving. Raven noticed the slight color that crept up his face. Lips parted as though he was going to say something, but decided against it as he pursed them close and pulled the door open.

They were immediately greeted by a cool breeze. Raven took a deep breath, it was cool and crisp in the (very) early morning air. The sky was inky black with a touch of deep blue. Bright stars flickered in the distance, providing just enough light. The faint sound of waves crashing against one another filled the silence. It was beautifully calming. Raven paused from soaking in the moment realizing Damian was staring at her. She looked at him quizzically.


"Nothing" The empath looked away clearing her throat. "It's, nice out."

"It's...adequate" Damian responded, looking towards the sky.

Raven held back a laugh. Damian's choice of vocabulary always made conversations interesting. It's not that he couldn't carry a "normal" conversation, but he would let a few erudite words slip. Raven didn't mind, in fact, she admittedly thought it was cute.

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