No Way!

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Hi. My name is Draco Malfoy. I'm a Slytherin at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. I've fallen in love. With who? My biggest enemy of course! Wow Draco, you must be insane.

Breakfast isannoying. Pansy is legit all over me, smothering me and trying to seduce me insome way. I ignore her as usual. Across from me, Blaise sits quietly, eatinghis food. A wide smile is plastered on his face and even his eyes are smiling.Love is weird. Blaise had been seeing some girl(but i actually suspect its aboy and he just wont tell me) and his attitude had changed a lot. He seemedmore interested in red, he was a little clumsy even. He catches me looking andi smirk, making him blush. He nods at Pansy and i just roll my eyes.
'So Blaise, how was last night?' I ask eventually, acting innocent. He glaresat me.
'I don't know what you mean.' He says through clenched teeth.
'Oh i think you do.' I say in a sly voice and he shuts his eyes.
'This is why you're a Slytherin.' He sighs. I give him a look.
'I love being a Slytherin. What other house do i look like i want to be in?'
'Gryfindoor.' Blaise responds dreamily. I snicker.

'Yeah right, but i have something to confess.'

'That your crushing real hard on Potter? Congrats, your officially the last person to know.' Blaise tells me lazily.
'Fuck you Blaise. That's not even close!'
'You both are so in love, just look at him staring at you right now. Just look at his loathing, oops, i mean loving look towards you.' Blaise proceeds with teasing me and i just get up and walk out. My stomach growls at me angrily as i leave the great hall but i ignore it. Just as i'm about to walk out of the great hall i turn to the Gryfindoor table. Sure enough, Potter is watching me. I give him a sad look(i dont even know where it came from.) and exit the hall.

The rest of my day is potter free, until eventually potions arrives. I walk into the classroom and im surprised to see not Professor Snape, but another Professor. She has broad shoulders and slick black hair. I take a seat and look at her. Finally, once the rest of the class arrives, she speaks.
'My name is Professor Jackson. Potions has been replaced by sex education as Professor Snape has more important matters to attend to this year. Now, follow me and we will be heading to the room of requirement.' Jackson moves out of the room, and the rest of the clss follows her. Once we reach the room of requirement, Jackson gets us to sit around a goblet, much like the goblet of fire.
'Now, this is the cup of compatibility. It will choose people to be partners for the rest of the year based on how compatible they are, not their current relationship with each other. Boys might be placed with boys and girls may be placed with girls, but dont let this choose your sexuality, you choose what gender you like. Now, i shall pull out the first two names.' Jackson gestures at the cup then taps her wand at it. After a moment she reaches into it and pulls out two pieces of paper. One is green, the other red.
'Blaise Zabini and Ronald Weasley. Please head over to the tent over there.' Jackson points at a tent and Weasel heads over there with Blaise. Both of them are grinning like mad, and i realise that this was who Blaise had been seeing. I smirk to myself, and look back at Jackson. I think that the colours of the paper are the houses the people would be in. Jackson taps the cup again, and pulls out one yellow and one red piece of paper.
'Lavender Brown and Hermione Granger.' Jackson poinys at another tent and the two head over to it, not looking at each other and facing completely away from each other with a cold presence we can all feel from over here. Jackson repeats the process and pulls out another red and gren pair.
'Draco Malfoy and' i guess its me now, i wonder who im paired with?
'Harry Potter.' She points at a tent right at the back. I get up angrily, shoot a glare at Potter then walk to the tent so swoftly that Potter has to run to catch up.
'Im not to happy about this either Malfoy, but if you dont want a detention like those two,' he gestures at Granger and Lavender who are still scowling at each other, but are being told off by Jackson.
'You will atend detention tonight.' Jackson informs them and Grangers jaw drops. I smirk at her reaction when she goes off at Professor Jackson.
'I suggest we try to get along.' Potter finishes. As we get to the tent, Granger is still going off at Jackson, her face getting redder and redder by the second.
'Unless you want a months worth of detention miss Granger i expect you to shut up.' Jackson says to Granger harshly. Granger looks taken aback and angry but she closes her mouth which is a wise desision because Jackson looks as if she is about to murder her.

Once everyone is soryed and has a partner Jackson proceeds down to Potter and i tent, only to find us sitting about five meters apart, facing forwards.

"Boys!" She says in a warning voice. 

"But Professor it really isn't fair why've we got to be together-?!" Potter starts to complain, but Jackson holds up her hand.

"Listen," She sighs, "If the cup chose you two to be partners it means that you have something else no-body else can replicate."

"Yeah, no-one can replicate our loathing feelings towards each other." I mutter, but unfortunately Jackson hears me.

"You two will do this for the year and 6 months of next year. If there are any more objections then you will do it for the rest of your schooling. Now, I've come to tell you, with you both it will be taken slow, and you will just work on being in each other's presence. Once you have that nailed, then we will move on to more intimate things. And you will have homework for this class. Now, look at what the board says to do, and complete it. The room will not let you leave until they are done. Best of luck." And with that she leaves.

"Talk to each other nicely, snuggle and play with other person's hair." Potter reads aloud and I snicker.

"Like I'm going to let you touch my hair." He glares at me.

"We'll have to do this eventually. I mean, we can't leave until it's done. Would you rather be stuck in here with me forever?" My eyes widen.

"No I wouldn't." I say, but then I laugh at his expression. He looks like an angry tomato.

"I'll sing muggle nursery rhymes until you agree." He warns. At the mention of muggle I agree instantly. He sits down right next to me, very stiffly and I lean my head on him awkwardly.

"That's not how you- you know what, stand up in front of me." He instructs me and I stand up, moving in front of him. I feel very suspective of him. Once I'm in front of him, he grabs me by the hips and pulls me down into his lap. I'm rigid as a board. My lower back is pressing into his crotch slightly and I can feel myself going hard at the thought of what we could do in here. I can feel him start to relax behind me and I relax more too, leaning back into him further.

"So potter, how do you think we'll endure this year?" I ask him, my voice a little uneven. I hope he doesn't notice the bulge beginning to form in my pants.

"Well, I'm a Gryffindor, I'm brave. But you on the other hand are a Slytherin, so that's just to bad for you." I can feel him smiling from behind me. I turn my head and twist my torso so I'm facing him.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you were a Slytherin like me." I tell him, but realising how close our faces are, I turn around and blush.

"I was going to be actually. The sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin, but I didn't like you at the time, so I asked it for Gryffindor." I smile.

"So Harry Potter is truly a Slytherin?" I laugh and he laughs with me.

"Shh, I haven't told anyone that yet!" He exclaims but continues laughing.

"Well, now you have." I reply happily and lean back into him. He picks up a strand of my hair and begins playing with it. At first I think I's a sign of affection, but then remember the board and for some reason my heart sinks.

"Malfoy?" Potter asks.

"Hmmm?" I hum in response.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" This was a question I dreaded anyone asking.

"All the girls in school want you." He continues and I gulp. Truth is, I'm not exactly sure I'm into girls. I've never had a crush on one. Maybe I'm A-Sexual? But really, I have looked at guys in the ways that guys should look at girls....?

"I don't know. I'm kinda looking for the right person. And I'm not even sure if I like girls." I reply and I feel him nod.

"Me too. I mean, I thought I liked Cho, cause I always felt jealous when cedric was around her. But now I realise I was jealous that she was with cedric. And when I met her, she was playing quidditch, meaning she was not a girl in my eyes, but a guy." He tells me and I realise that's all true. Potter was pretty much, dare I say it, gay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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