Chapter One

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Ponys P.O.V.
-----Pony comes in from football with the gang. Johnny has stayed in because of a previous injury when Two-Bit smacked him in the arm with a football. Game still in full swing.------
I walk into the living room/kitchen. Johnny is still sitting on the couch eating an apple. I go to the fridge for some water, nodding at Johnny.
"Hey Johnnycakes," I say, pulling out a cigarette. Darry beat the shit out of me outside and I need to calm my nerves.  Johnny stares at me. I stare back, then laugh, breaking eye contact.
"What's up?" I say, still chuckling from the weird stare-down.
"You shouldn't smoke so much, Pony. You're going to not make track, and then, you'll be sad, and I wouldn't want you to be sad, and..." Johnny stops himself, eyes wide. He was obviously about to say something, but then thought better of it. I stare at him and suddenly, a new feeling comes to my stomach. My stomach gets all twisted and knotted. My heart starts thumping and my palms get sweaty. Lordy, what's going on? Why am I nervous? Is it cuz of Johnny? Johnny looks at me anxiously.
"Are you okay Pony? You seem out of it..." Johnny asks me carefully. I furrow my brow. Johnny made me feel like this. This has never happened before. What the fuck is going on!? I run out of the living room confused. Johnny follows me. My feet are on autopilot, but I know where they're going. The lot. I just need to get away from Johnny, or be with him all the time. I don't get it.  Sodapop has talked to me about this feeling before. It's happened to him when he likes someone. I like Johnny?

Johnny's P.O.V.
I run after Ponyboy, knowing exactly where he's going. The lot, of course.  We both always go there whenever something bad happens.  And something bad definitely just happened. Why'd he run away? I mean, I have a idea of why...and if my idea is right, then we both have the same reason to be confused.  Anyway, I finally catch up to Ponyboy and we sit down, heaving and panting. 
"Pony, what the fuck man?" I whisper.
"I don't know, I'm really confused..."
"Please tell me why..."
"When I walked in and saw you, my...m-my palms got all sweaty and my heart started beating REAL fast and my stomach knotted up. I didn't know what that feeling was like, but I know you make me feel like that, so...I don't know man, I just needed to get out."
When Ponyboy told me all that, I got this weird jittery feeling. Am I excited?
"Same thing happened to me," I say quickly. I stare at Ponyboy. I think my idea was right. Pony likes me. And I like him. I lean into Pony and we both have the same idea at the same time- this is obvious when we both kiss each other, each one thinking to start it. I lean into the kiss, and so does Ponyboy.  I begin to kiss his neck. Pony moans. I playfully push him to the ground, making sure it's ok to go further. Pony moans a quiet but excited yes. I'll spare you the details, but...fucking Ponyboy is absolutely amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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