Dinner Party...

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I turned to Damon, "what have you told her" I asked and he looked to me, "nothing to do with you" he said and I nodded as I looked to her, "so what do you know about me" I asked and she smiled, "only what I could find out, your brother is very protective over you" she said to me and I nodded, "he would be, I mean we did grow up together and he is my little brother" I said and she nodded, "Elena doesn't seem to like you as quite a few of the others in this town don't" she said to me and I smirked, "I don't really care what people think of me, if they don't want to be friends with me fine but that isn't anything to do with me" I explained and she laughed as she looked to my brothers, "and you come in where" she asked. I noticed that mum looked to her and frowned, "your very rude" she said to her and she smiled, "well I am a reporter" she said, I looked to Damon and frowned, "a reporter" I asked and he sighed, "you don't seem to like anyone I date" he said to me.

I sighed and looked to her, "look I don't mean to be rude, but you have to understand that not a lot of people like my family and well when they do they seem to take advantage of us being that my brother and I are a founding family" I explained and she looked to me, "I am aware of your status" she said and I sighed, "see I don't think you do, Damon and I are the last of the Salvatore's and there won't be any more after us, we are the last of this founding family" I explained and smirked, "unlike say the Fells, Gilberts and Lockwood's being that there supernatural creatures in the family are still able to have children" I explained to her. She laughed as she looked to me, "well I am only doing a report on Damon so I don't need the pretend Salvatore" she snarled and I looked to her, "get out" I snarled and she laughed, "you're not a Salvatore and you cannot tell me what I can and can't do" she said to me and I looked to her, "your forgetting something about me sweetheart" I snarled and got up slamming my hands down on the table making the table shake and she looked scared, "there is a reason that I am Nik wife" I snarled.

She looked to me and laughed, "I know all about you Anna-Beth, you were the child that wasn't wanted and not to mention the one that got herself pregnant as a teenager" she said to me and I looked to her, "I really would stop talking" I snarled and turned to Damon, "are you sure you haven't said anything" I asked and he nodded, "yeah I haven't said anything, Annie I haven't seen Andy in a couple of days" he said to me and I couldn't help the frown, "where have you been then, because when I had Matthew nothing was in writing because it was something that they wouldn't write about" I explained and she laughed, "well I have my sources" she said to me and I frowned, "who" I asked and she just looked to Damon, "your mother" she said and I looked to her, "you spoke to Lillian" I asked and she nodded, "yeah told me all about the little tart you are" she said and I watched as my father looked to her, "I would watch what you say about my daughter" he snarled and I looked to her, "what she says is never the truth" Damon said and she looked to him, "Damon she admitted that she was the one that let Annie do what she wanted because she wasn't hers" Andy said to him and I had to admit that I was hurt because I always believed that she was my mother to begin with.

I looked to her and laughed hiding the pain, "she was never around when my brother and I were younger, she was always doing something else because she didn't want to be around, hell even father said that the woman was a coward being that she left her children to become a vampire" I said and laughed, "well Damon and I didn't and don't need the bitch" I snarled with Damon laughing, "never did and never will" he said and she looked to him, "Damon your mother wants you, she said that she would be happy to have you back, as long as you leave the trash" she said looking towards me. I felt as my temper was rising and Damon looked to me, "Annie" he said and I stood up making her looked to me, my temper went and I smirked as she whimpered as she looked to me, "I TOLD YOU TO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU ARE TRESSPASSING AND I WILL NOT HAVE YOU IN MY HOME UPSETTING PEOPLE" I shouted and watched as my magic went haywire and things in the house was starting to get warm and rattle around with the magic that was coming out of me in waves. I noticed that Mattie was walking over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Mum" he said and I noticed that Damon was looking at her with a look on his face that I knew wasn't going to end well for her.

I felt as someone grabbed my hand and I turned around expecting it to be either my husband or son but noticed that it was in fact my father and he smiled, "so do we feel a little bit better" he asked me and I looked confused, "what do you mean" I asked and he smiled, "AJ baby your making the stuff in the house float and not to mention that it is very warm in here" he said to me and I blinked as I looked around to see that my father was right, I sighed and closed my eyes making sure that everything was put down and turned to Nik, "seems like I am always ruining things doesn't it" I said to him and Nik laughed, "don't worry about it, the bitch was about to die anyway" he said to me which did make me smile. I turned my attention to Damon and noticed that he looked pissed and I sighed as I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "are you okay" I asked and he looked to me, "what's wrong with me Annie" he asked and I looked to him, "do you have the night" I asked and he laughed, "really Annie, I mean do I just attract the wrong people" he asked me and I sighed, "Damon" I said and he shook his head, "I'll be upstairs" he said and walked away from me.

I turned to Nik and sighed, "this is my fault" I explained and he looked to me, "what" he asked and I laughed, "so I might have been a bitch to him back in the 60's" I explained and Ric sighed, "can't you two have any nice stories" he asked and I laughed, "well Damon met this girl her name was Bethany and well she really liked him, she was always the one to put a smile on his face" I explained and mum looked to me, "that's a nice story baby" she said and I laughed, "I decided that he was going to pay for not letting me know he was alive and I might have killed her" I explained and Mattie sighed, "that's what happened" he said and I looked to him, "what do you mean" I asked and he looked to me, "Damon found me later that year and well he wasn't happy, he said that someone killed his girl for no reason" he said to me and I nodded, "I was pissed Mattie, I found out that you both her alive and well not to be horrible, you were an ass and well Damon was everything to me and I believed that he was dead, I saw him alive and well and I took it the wrong way" I explained to him.

Mattie smiled and looked to me, "so what happened when you left" he asked me and I laughed, "your father decided that I needed cheering up and well you don't need to know the rest" I explained and he smirked, "fair enough" he said to me and I sighed as I turned to Ric, "maybe I should speak to him" I explained and Ric smiled, "for what I know of your brother, leave him for now" he said to me and I looked to him, "why do I seem to mess up" I asked and he laughed, "you're asking me" he asked and I nodded, "yeah I am Ric, you seem to be a good friend to him" I said and he smiled, "well I am sure your aware I wasn't to begin with" he said and I laughed, "Aww the good times when you wanted to kill my brother" I said to him and he laughed, "well what can I say" he said and I laughed as Jo looked to me, "he wanted to kill your brother" she asked and I nodded, "yeah my brother was the one that kill and turned his ex-wife Isobel into a vampire" I explained and she sighed, "you and your brother aren't really all there are you" she asked and I smirked, "no not really" I said to her and mum sighed, "you two really need to sit down and speak to each other about all of this" she said and I laughed, "my brother and I are fine" I said to mum and grinned as I felt the air behind me and knew it was Damon, "yep always get through the dark times" he said and I smirked as I turned to him, "I really am sorry I have caused you pain" I said to him and he shrugged, "don't worry, I am sure that I will do something stupid again" he said to me and we all sat back down at the table to eat and share stories.

Little Tribrid...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora