Chapter 1

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I woke up and rubbed my E/C eyes looking at the bright yellow sun I got up changed into my F/C shirt and walked into my bathroom I looked at my messy H/C hair and brushed it it felt soft to the touch and it was shining cause of the way the light reflected on it I walked out of the bathroom and looked at my mom she was smiling her white teeth were shining and she was watching a TV show "Hi mom" I said smiling I walked out of the door feeling refreshed as the wind hit me I inhaled the fresh air felt nice I walked down to my school the cherry blossom petals landed on my hair I brushed them off they were so pretty and soft I saw Ururaka in the distance her hair was blowing in the wind I ran over to her I heard my shoes clacking on the bricks "Ochaco-Chan!" I screamed Ururaka looked at me she smiled and waved "L/N" Ururaka said she ran over me "Your not wearing your uniform" Ururaka said "Your lucky I always bring a spare" Ururaka said Ururaka pulled another outfit out of her bag she handed it to me I thanked her and snuck into the back of the school didn't want anyone else seeing me not in my uniform I opened the back door and quietly walked into a bathroom and changed I came out praying that no one saw me I ran to my class room and hit Asui "Sorry Tsu" she looked at me the light was shining off her hair "It's alright Y/N" she dusted her shirt I walked with Asui to our class "So I heard that Ururaka has a crush" Asui said
I smiled not sure whether to ask who or say cool I figured it was just her way of making small talk so i said "Cool who is it" I said looking at her like she looked at me "She won't say but every time we mention crushed she gets all flustered and starts floating" Asui said I looked at the class number "Alright were here" we walked into the class room I sat down at my desk and looked out the window the sky was a nice shade of blue it was sunny outside and the flowers were a nice shade of pink it was one of those perfect days I didn't really pay much attention in class so I feel asleep I woke up and heard the bell ring it was loud I grabbed my F/C bag and left the class room still tired my hair was a mess it had strands so I fixed it with my hands I left the school and saw a movement in a bush near by I looked at the bush and heard it rustle I put down my F/C bag and walked over I opened the bush and there was a girl with Ashy-blonde hair and two messy buns she looked at me and looked away her eyes were golden "Hi" she said she got up and out of the bush she
looked at me "Um I'm Himiko Toga" She said I didn't say anything I was still processing that she was in a bush "Hi I'm L/N F/N" I looked at her "So why were you in a bush" I said "...I um I was getting leaves for my collection" Toga said she grabbed some leaves "See" Toga said I nodded "All righty then" I said Toga looked away from me "So um sorry for scaring you like that" Toga said "Nah it's alright Its just you don't see a random person jump out of a bush every day" I said I laughed Toga laughed "Yeah I guess your right" there was a silence "So um what's your name" Toga asked me "Y/N" I said she smiled at me"That's a nice name I like it" I thanked her and started walking back to my house

Toga x Reader (Finished) (Thank you all so much for the support)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt