Jason x Danny

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Disclaimer: This oneshot is soft DomxLittle, somewhat different from Blake x Ryan. This book will be random, sorry if you were looking for something constant. 

Okay then, on with the oneshot!

Danny POV

"Daddy when will you be home I miss you!" I was basically whining over the phone playing with my stuffie, wearing daddy's sweater that is wayyyy to big for me. "Calm down baby boy, I promise i'll see you soon. In the mean time I need you so do me a favor." I stopped playing with Mr.Lion, my stuffie, and gave daddy my full attention. "What is it daddy?" I heard a slight laugh and I knew he was smirking, thats when I knew I was either going to love this or hate it. When daddy smirks it mean that he is either  about to make me cry by teasing me or he was going to make me cry from torturing me, Two completely different things. I'm okay with him teasing me but torturing.....he gets carried away.

"I need you to do some shopping." I was nervous. "Okay-y..for what?" Why was that request so simple, it kinda makes me uneasy. "We need more bread, egg, pasta, and tissue." I can get all of that from walmart, Honestly I hate going out without daddy cause it means I have to act like an adult but I really don't want too... but daddy's right,  I love pasta so we gotta refuel.

"Okay daddy I'll get it." I was about to hang up to get dress but  daddy stopped me. "Wait, I want you to wear a long sweater and your black skinny jeans" Okay so now what does he have planned, plus I was already going to keep his sweat on. "umm..okay, but can I ask why?" 

"Because you are going to be wear a vibator and unless you want someone to notice then I think it's the best thing to wear." I was slient for a mintinue. Is he really going to make me walk around with a vibator without hm being hear? I mean I don't mind but one of daddy's rules and that I can't touch myself when he's not here and I can't cum without his premission. "Baby boy, you still there?" I nod my head before realizing that he can't see me. "Y-yes daddy, umm which um toy do you want m-me to use?" "The small orange one".......I see we are going the torture route. Daddy has a remote contorl that works pretty much anywhere, Honestly I don't even know where he finds stuff like that. "Go ahead and put it in before you go out, call me when you get back home, talk to you later Danny" With that he hung up, left me standing there wondering if I should just go without the vibator. But something told be that I wouldn't like the punishment if I didn't listen. 

I walked over to the "play room" and got the orange vibator and some lube. I sat down and took my underwear off. I put some of the lube on the toy, strocking it and then lubed up two of my fingers. I pushed one of my fingers in my hole and realized that this will be extreme hard for me due to the fact that daddy has been away for three days now, which mean he hasn't touched me, tbh all I've been thinking about seens he left was how I wanted him to fuck me till I can't walk.

I fingered myself a little before adding the other finger. I moan alittle, after two or so mintinues I removed my fingers before I got too carried away and pushed the vibator inside. "Oh fuck.." Okay imma have to make this walmart trip quick. I finished getting dressed and grab the keys. I got in the car and sat down. "Shit!" daddy started the vibator just as I sat down. Does he have cameras in here or something. The vibator went deeper and I swear if this continues I won't make it out the driveway. I decided that I'll try to ignore it and push throught. I pulled out the driveway and started driving.

After a painfully long car ride, I arrived at walmart with an erection and red cheeks. I got out and walked in the store. I went down the aisles slowly, making sure not to move the vibator too much. I got the pasta, eggs, and bread, I was about to grab the tissue when I felt the intense vibation rip through my body. I moaned a little to loud, dropped the tissue and squat towards the floor. fuckkkk why is daddy doing this too me. Oh my god this feels good....I want him too touch me, "Si-" I want him to hold me.. "Sir?" I want daddy to play with my body..."Sir!! I looked realizing I was still in walmart with one of the walmart workers standing in front of my shopping cart. "o-oh u-mm y-yes?" I asked trying my best not to moan out has this vibator pushed agaisnt a bunch of nerves. "Are you okay?" I stand up slowly try to act normal. "Y-yeah I'm okay, have a n-nice day" I grab the tissue and rush off to the checkout lines. 

I reach the checkout line and realize my firend Sam is working today. "Oh hey Danny, how are you and Jason?" I just wanted to get out of here, get home and take this vibator out but I can't say that now can I. "Dadd- I mean Jason is fine and I'm okai" just when I said that daddy increased the vibations. I swear I almost came. "woah dude you don't look so good." I laughed to cover a moan. "Y-yeah I just feel a l-little sick, I'm head h-home now."

After checking out I rush to the car, pulled out my phone and dailed daddy's number. "Hello~" "d-daddy please stop, I-I dont t-think I can hold it." Daddy laughed alittle "If you make it home you can cum, Ill be waiting for you" he hung up leaving me a panicking mess. Easier said then done. 

I started up the car and started driving. Just when I thought I could make it back, daddy turn it to max. I hit the breaks, Moaned loudly and came in my pants without warning. I didn't care if some could see me. That felt so good, I want more. After realizing what I just did, I knew their was a punishment waiting for me at home. Oh well there's nothing I can do about it now. I continue home where daddy awaits me. I don't know if I'm more exicted about seeing daddy or the punishment he has for me. Im such a slut for daddy, it's probably both. 

I can't wait to see Daddy.

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