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Nirnasha stood at a table with various things: fine nectar that he struggled for days to obtain, a special mix of herbs that are often used in enchantments and curses, a thanatopheges that glowed an eerie shade of purple in a small jar, remains of what looked to be a person named Lima III, and finally Alm. 

The boy at the moment was in a daze, eyes wandering off into nothingness, arms restrained above his head and ankles held down by heavy weights. For days since coming back from his trip, Nirnasha had been injecting Alm with drugs that would leave him numb for what he assumed to be hours on end. He couldn't think in the time that they were still taking effect on him. So now the boy lay there, paying no mind to his situation of how his kidnapper was now concocting something right beside him. 

The boy watched as Nirnasha mixed the items on the table one by one into the large bowl, each time the substance turning into a new color. The thanatopheges was the last thing to be thrown in. As Nirnasha picked up the insect and brought it to the concoction, it thrashed about in a wild panic as though it was calling desperately for help. The creature was dropped into the bowl and Nirnasha smiled as the substance now glowed a shining purple hue and was smoking. He took a look at Alm and seemed satisfied for some reason. Alm could do nothing more than return a blank stare. 

Nirnasha forced Alm's mouth open and lifted the rim of the bowl to it. Slowly, the purple mix had gone down his throat. The substance burned his throat as it went down and tears began to form from the pain of it, but still, Alm could do nothing more than offer a blank stare as he was forced to ingest this potion. 

The bowl was tipped over all the way for Alm to take in all of the potion and set back down on the table. Alm was turned over onto his stomach quickly. Suddenly, he felt the back of his shirt being ripped open by Nirnasha. He could feel his senses coming back to him and was about to ask what was happening. Something stopped him just as he regained his surroundings however.

A tingling sensation throughout his body brought back his attention. It felt warm suddenly as it started at his back, to his chest, to his limbs and then his fingers, toes and head. The head made him dizzy and he felt as though he were to pass out. However, then he felt it.

An immense pain came in his back just as he was about to pass out. Alm let out a scream as it happened and breathed heavily. The pain didn't stop though. It only got worse. It felt as though something was tugging hard at his back. No. Something was pushing at his back. Alm looked at Nirnasha with pleading eyes, begging for an explanation as to what was happening. He only replied in a devious smile and these words:

"The Creation is coming to life..."

Alm's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Another sharp pain had come, this time lasting for seconds and causing Alm to let out an ear-splitting scream. 

"Please... Make it stop..." The boy pleaded. Nirnasha instead came closer and kneeled down to his level and held his chin.

"It has already begun dear boy. It will be over soon though..." Nirnasha smiled.

Just as he finished his statement, the worst pain had now come. Alm could feel it, every single bit of it. He felt what was like something from his spine tearing through his flesh and piercing his skin from the inside. The thing pierced upward hard enough to where Alm spazzed with every pierce it made. He could hear it now. He could hear as bones in his body were breaking and the thing was coming out of him now. He felt like every bit of him was being sucked out of him now as this thing that was coming out of him grew larger and larger. He shut his eyes in pain and just kept screaming as the pain never waived. 

Minutes passes as Alm kept screaming and a shape started to grow on the floor beside him. As the pain had finally started to come down, it was only then that Alm dared to open his eyes again to see what horror had formed. Despite now being exhausted, his curiosity got the better of him as the pain was nearly minimal now. He lifted his head and looked over to the floor and what he saw put chills down his spine. His head collapsed back onto the table and his eyelids were now heavy. He thought it was a hallucination. He wanted to believe that it truly was and that his eyes were deceiving him. But he couldn't deny it. He couldn't deny the truth of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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