Chapter One: Abuse

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-Hello Everybody, I was recently introduced to Dark Deception and I like it, and my most favorite character is Malak so...yeah plz dont kill me.

When you were 6 your parents died, leaving you alone with your abusive foster parents, Diana and Derik, They hated you because of or Different colored eyes, they were Pastel purple and dark red. Your foster parents often lock you in your room and then do horrible things. You were lonely, but the only thing keeping you sane was your imaginary friend, Malak, you often talk to him and you can hear him, while others think your crazy.

  One Day

You fell into a coma due to the bullies at school, while you were in a coma, Malak was there to talk to you. About 4 months later your foster parents told the doctors to pull the plug on you, although you were too scared to die and wondered if they would regret it, suddenly you jolted up screaming "NOOOOO!." You gasped for air and looked around to see the doctor's were full of sadness. You turn around to see the plug in the doctors hand dangling, you wondered if you were dead, then you looked down at your motionless body. "Welp since that bitch is gone, we can finally live alone again" You heard your foster parents say before you saw the world flashed into a ballroom scene with an alter in the middle.

Location: Bierce's Ballroom

"Y/N's POV"
"Oh! Another one. How nice to have some company again." A woman said, she was wearing a black dress with purple gemstones, She had beautiful teal eyes too.
"Come over here. Let's have a look at you.", she gestured to me, I walk over and attempted to make eye contact, but it failed,
"You disappoint me, love. you really do... So many fears... So many desires... I thought you'd be bigger." She said.
'What the heck is she talking about?' I thought to myself,
"Don't look so confused... I know everything you've got hidden in that brain of yours. I know all the terrible things you've done. So many good intentions laid to waste... I can see the regret, eating away at your soul..."
She looked at me with a hint of disgust on her face, 'what terrible things did I even do?!' I thought again,
"Ha! But now your time has come and here you are,'to grovel and beg." She says with a smirk.
"You can't go back... Only death awaits you there now," 'I mean she isn't wrong about that but something seems off.' I thought to myself again not really paying attention.
"Fear not, love, you've got potential! I see it in you, and I can help change your fate. But if you want a new life, you're going to have to suffer quite a bit to get it." She said attempting to make a deal,  I am kinda just ignoring her right now, just to think,
"The pieces to a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals. Find them, and bring them to me. And you'll get your wish."
She said in a serious tone
"Fail, and you'll find there are fates far worse than death awaiting you here. "
I wondered what did I just get myself into, then her voice just turned into a weird and creepy voice that said
"Clock's ticking..."

Then a red portal thing opened and it had a picture of what seems to be a bloodthirsty monkey.

Welcome to my first Dark Deception Book!!!!!!

My one and only wish| Malak x Hated! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now