First timer for a date

Start from the beginning

Grabbing my purse, i did a final look of myself at the whole body mirror.

You look good, Isabelle, really look good.

I made my way down, seeing a car waiting for me. I jump inside of it and asked the driver to bring me to the italian restaurant at the second street.

I look over the window, seeing people walking and some are running because of their errands. Bars, restaurants and other establishment are open and that's when i notice that the restaurant that i need to meet Vincent is closed.

So how can i enter there? I mean, where can i wait for him?

"Miss Isabelle, Mr. Watson told me that you need to go inside the restaurant all by yourself." The driver plainly said. I gulp and look over the restaurant again, it's too dim, how can i get inside?

Before i protest about this, i managed to get out of the car. For a moment, i studied if it's safe to get inside. I checked if no one can harm me there because it's too dark and scary.

But as i step inside, i didn't regret that i did enter on this italian restaurant.

There he is. Standing beside the fire place, holding a bouquet of flowers. Even on this dim place, you can see how good looking he is. He's wearing a grey shirt and his normal jeans. Vincent's teeth was shown because of the smile that he is giving to me. It's killing me.

"You look beautiful, Isabelle." He softly said while walking towards me.

As he stop in front of me, my world stop spinning. I look at him, informing him thru our eyes, that he can rule me and my world because he is my world.

"Can i have a word on you?" He smiles at me, slowly leaning forward on me. This is sending me a different feeling.

"Yes." I mumbled

"I love your dress and that back.." He trails his finger down on my spine and as he reach the top of my butt, he slowly put his hand on top of my right butt cheek then pinch it. How dare he?

"It's too smooth.." Slowly snaking his arms around me, and thank you that he remove his hand from my butt, he pulls me closer to him, blocking the air to pass on us.

"Tonight will be the night babe, alright?" Hypnotize by his words and actions, i just nod my head and let myself drown in him. I don't know what does he mean but i was too  stunned by his actions and words.

He walk me to my seat, leaving a kiss on my forehead before sitting on his place. We had a small talk about anything that goes out from our mouth and i'm glad that we're like this.

The food arrives just in time and i can quite say that, Vincent do have a nice taste about food. He really has some skills about food stuffs and kitchen. Just few men knows how to cook, so i'm glad that my boyfriend knows how. Wait, boyfriend? I don't know if i can address him as my boyfriend? Ugh!

"Thank you for this." I said once i was done with my food. Slowly placing my hand on top of his hand that was resting on top of the table.

"Anything for you, so can we proceed now to our next destination?" I didn't have time to respond, because in just a snap, he's standing in front of me, pulling my hand to get up from my seat.

"Where are we going? How about the bill, babe?" Startling, he just ignore my rant as he continue to pull my hand then tuck me inside his car as we reached the outside world.

"Vincent! Answer me!" I yelled once he get inside the car. But i didn't get answer, instead he leans forward to me, placing a firm kiss on mine. That shut me off. He smirk then get back on his driving.

Time fly so fast. It was like yesterday, that Vincent hired me to be his fake wife and now look at me, look at us. We're together and this time it's for real.

I didn't know the feeling of being in love but Vincent show me the true meaning of it. That love can be found even on a hopeless place. Admit it, i'm living in a hopeless place. I was fired in my past job, i'm terrified because i might stop schooling and my family is suffering because of poverty, in short my life is hopeless.

Unexpectedly, Vincent came into me, giving me hope that i once lost. He is like an angel sent from above. One that can always guide me and love me unconditionally.

Tonight, i can say that i can't stand a day without him. Vincent have me all through out my worst and even on my best. We have the rest of our lives to spend it with each other. And i know we're just starting now, but sooner or later, like on fairy tales, we will be having a happy ending. There's no ending but only happy and memorable ones.

"Hey beautiful, we're here." I feel him whispered on me.

Did i sleep?

Oh my, yes i am! Damn!

Slowly opening my eyes, i look at him and say to myself that, i'm lucky to have him. I launch a hug to him, and i know it's making him weak.

"Thank you for everything Vincent. For the love, care and everything that you did for me.." I slowly lifted my head from his shoulder then face him. I rest my nose onto his, then sighed.

"I love you and i can't stop myself saying that i can't live without you." I breathed.

How can i stand without him? Without his love, touch and kiss? How long will i need him? How long will i want him? And how long will i love him?

Ellie Goulding's song, how long will i love you, is one of the song that i can dedicate to him. Because my love for him is unexpected and i don't care even if i have to take risk on something in my life.

"Because i'm too charming?" He smirked, but i softly hit him on his shoulder.

"Seriously babe, i'm doing a drama here and your like that." I seriously said. He rest his hands on both side of my face, then smile at me. Just those actions, i really can die now.

"Because i want to ruin your moment beautiful, because i love you." He place a soft kiss on my lips and my body is asking for more.

"Now let's go down, before i change my mind." Ohh! I pull myself out from his touch then get out of his car.

I gasp as my eyes stop on a big house in the middle of the sand, that's been covered with lights. The cold wind hitting my flesh, but i ignore it then run towards the house. And what surprise me more is the blue water shining because of the moonlight.

I look over my shoulder, seeing Vincent smiling at me. He did this for me.

This is life.

Him and this wonderful scenery.

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