Chapter 1

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Boom a new story I kinda got bored writing my other one. I'm still writing it but I decided that I wanted to start a new one. I kinda just did everyone's point of view. I going to try to stick to Deku and Bakugo's point of view.

~Izukus POV~

I couldn't believe it I've been looking for my soulmate for years. I always thought that I wouldn't get one. I mean most people have already found their soulmates. Not me I have given up when UA started. But here I am staring at the one person who hates me the most.
My soulmate.

~Time skip 10 years ago~

I was sitting in front of our teacher listening to her. I had asked her about the weird little bracelet around her ankle. She told us it was a symbol of her love for her soulmate.
So here we are 10 minutes later. She was in her chair and me and the rest of my classmates were in a circle around her.
"I want all of you to find a partner"
I bowed my head down just waiting for someone to come to me. I just sat there waiting and waiting. I felt a small tap on my shoulder I hesitated but soon looked up at a bit overly excited blonde. He stuck his hand out towards me.
"I'm Katsuki Bakugo wanna be my partner"
I shook his hand and stood up.
"S-sure w-why not"
We walked back over to the teacher joining the circle again.
"Ok now everyone look at their partners neck. I looked over at Katsuki and pulled his collar down a little to reveal his neck. There was an outline of what looked like lightning. I felt Katsuki tilt my head to get a better look at my neck.
"WOW I didn't know you had a tattoo"
I nearly choked on air.
"W-what do you mean I don't have a t-tattoo"
Katsuki grabbed a mirror and shoved it at me.
"Well your neck says otherwise"
I looked at the mirror and there it was a huge tattoo of an explosion tattooed on my neck. I passed the mirror to Katsuki to show him his tattoo. He took it gladly and his eyes shined as soon as he saw it the tattoo.
The teacher cleared her throat trying to get our attention. Me and Katsuki took a final look at our tattoos and looked back at her.
"That kids is your soulmate tattoo it's a tattoo of something that describes your soulmate it's mostly a tattoo of your soulmates quirk"
Katsuki's hand shot up in the air. He was practically jumping up and down full of joy.
"Yes Katsuki"
He pushed me collar down revealing my tattoo. He pointed his finger at my skin.
"Why don't they have colors"
I looked over to the blonde and then around at everyone else in the class. They all had their eyes on my tattoo. I shoved my head in my shirt trying to make all the attention to go away.
"Well the tattoo shows up after you meet me our soulmate so this means that Izuku has meet his soulmate but the tattoo only gets color as soon as your soulmate shares a kiss with you"
The teacher walked over to me sitting down in front of me. She lifted my head out of my shirt so she could take a good look at my tattoo.
She pointed to a circle that was around my tattoo.
"See this that circle mean that either his soulmate is the same gender as him or someone really close to you"
I smiled knowing that someone out there loves me.
"Check to see if I have one"
Katsuki took his entire shirt off. Trust me for someone his age his body was so we'll built. I looked closer to his tattoo and there was a rainbow circle around his tattoo.
"Y-yeah you have one"
Katsuki eyes shone. He pulled me in a tight hug. I felt his bear chest and blushed.
I looked up at him. My eyes were bright.

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