Trying to move on with your life...

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Mum and dad walked over to me and took my hand, "Anna-Beth I was happy that we found you because I think that if someone else would have found you, you would have gone through with it and then I would have been down and daughter and I don't like that idea" Dad said to me and I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and smiled, "let Nik take you to Jo and then we will have dinner ready for when you get back" he said to me and I smiled as Mattie walked over to me, "oh and happy birthday mama" he said to me. I smiled as I looked to him, "I forgot about that, thank you baby" I said and kissed his cheek and Nik linked his fingers through mine and we walked out of the house. I noticed that we walked over to the car and Nik turned to me, "so you up for this" he asked and I nodded, "yeah I think it will do me some good to speak about this, it is something that I have been bottling up" I explained and he smiled, "I know me too baby" he said to me and I looked to him, "you think about it as well" i asked and he nodded, "of course I do, it broke my heart when I was told that Mattie was dead, it was something that I couldn't believe" he explained.

I sighed as I looked to him, "I did though, I was there believing that our son was dead" I said and he took my hand, "we do this together as one" he said to me and I smiled as I nodded, "I like that idea" I said to him and he smiled as he kept hold of my hand and smiled, "come on Jo isn't far from us" he said to me and I smiled as I nodded. Nik pulled into the hospital and smiled as he took my hand, "together" he said to me and I smiled as we got out of the car and walked into the hospital were Jo was waiting and smiled, "come on" she said to me and smiled as she walked into a room and I smirked, "jo is this your office" I asked and she nodded, "yeah and being that we are friends we are going to do this here" she said to me and I smiled as she sat down and looked to me, "so we are going to do this a step at a time so we don't overwhelm you" she explained and I smiled, "thank you for doing this Jo, I don't know who else I would have spoken to" I explained and she smiled as she leant forward and grabbed my hand, "well I would speak to you because you are family to me and my friend" she said and I smiled as I looked to her, "where would you like me to start" I asked and she smiled, "how about when Matthew was born and we can go from there" she said to me and I nodded.

I noticed that Nik had my hand and I smiled as I looked to him, "Matthew's birth was pretty normal apart from not having the drugs that we do today, I remember my father telling my mother to make sure that Damon wasn't in the house as he didn't need to see this and I remember my father telling the maid that delivered Matthew that I was not to keep him due to the baby being born out of wedlock" I explained and wiped my eyes as the tears were coming, "okay, so Matthew was born did you get to at least hold him" she asked me and I shook my head, "no I wasn't allowed they said that something was wrong and took him out of the room, I was then told 10 minutes later that my son didn't make it because the birth was too much" I explained and she sighed as she looked to me, "do you remember him crying when he was out" she asked and I shook my head, "not really" I explained.

She nodded and turned to Nik and smiled, "and when you found out about what had happened, what did you do" she asked him and Nik looked to her, "I wanted to come and find Anna-Beth and take her away from this life, I didn't want her to feel the pain that she still is" he explained and smiled, "I found her in that hospital as her mother said that she was there because of what she did, I found her and she knew who I was, she knew that I was the father to her baby" he explained and I looked to him, "what" I asked and he nodded as he turned to me, "I found you in that place Annie and you begged me to make you forget you wanted me to make it all better for you" he explained and I sighed as Jo looked to me, "hospital" she asked and I nodded, "I was a teenager that go knocked up" I explained and she sighed, "it is horrible to know what they did to teenagers back then, what happened to you" she asked and I sighed, "they kept me there for 2 years and told me that I wasn't able to go home till I was cured" I explained.

Jo looked to me and frowned, "cured of what" she asked and I laughed, "cured of losing my baby, cured to know that I would not kill myself" I explained, Jo frowned and looked to me, "that is not how you help someone, Anna-Beth I am sorry that you didn't get the help you needed but if you would allow it I would love to help you overcome your fears" Jo said to me and I looked to her, "you want to help me" I asked and she nodded, "of course I do, your my friend" she said and I smiled, "I would love to be able to move on but I don't think that I am going to be able to Jo" I said and she smiled, "don't worry about that, I think that we will have to also get your brother in on these sometimes as well because I think some of your fears stem to him" she said to me and I looked to her, "I don't know if he will come" I said and she smiled, "I will make sure that he comes, I am sure that Ric will love to kick his ass" she said making me laugh, "thank you" I said and she smiled as she got up and walked over to me, "this was a good first session, I think come and see me twice a week and we will get this sorted for you" she said to me and I smiled, "thanks Jo" I said and smiled, "also you still want help with finding and sorting out your magic" I asked and she nodded, "please" she said and I smiled, "alright come to the house tomorrow and we can look at it then" I explained and she smiled as Nik took my hand and smiled, "come on" he said to me.

Little Tribrid...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz