when she heard the chimes ring and when she smelled the familiar scent of the place, a wave of nostalgia came to her.

two years ago, i was still working part-time in this cafe.

rain's lips formed into a smile as she looked around the place. there were changes but only little ones.

before she forgot her purpose in going there, she went to the door with the sign, employees only, and went inside.

"she's here! i'll take my leave then,"

ailee gave the boys a smile and passed by rain with a silent 'fighting', a smile and a pat on her shoulder.

"so how have you guys been?"

an hour ago, rain could've sworn she'd die of the awkwardness they had for each other.

but now, she was casually talking to them like how they'd usually do, two years back.

"fine, just quite stressed because of the debut almost three weeks ago."

rain smiled at daehwi and nodded, she placed her hand on top of his head and ruffled his hair.

you became so mature now.

"so ailee told us you were going to say something, what was that about?"

"mhm, she even told us to go without woong hyung, why?"

as usual, everyone would ask her that question since it was unusual for her to call for them.

youngmin smiled at her and gave a reassuring nod, as if saying that they were willing to wait for her to be ready.

"i — uh, it was a short notice so.. yeah. im leaving again."

the four boys kept a straight face as they stared at the girl. but deep inside, they were all aching.

she just came back, was it necessary for her to leave again?

"im really supposed to go so i cant do anything and im staying for good. but i wanted to tell all of you so you'd know."

the last line repeated for a few times inside the mind of the boys as their faces slowly started to show emotion.

she's leaving and she's telling us about it. im not exactly sure how i should feel.

donghyun shook his head and smiled softly at her before stroking her hair, like how he always does back then.

"it's alright, rain. distance doesnt matter in friendship, remember?"

rain nodded her head, trying not to cry although she felt like bawling her eyes out infront of them.

for pete's sake, she's been crying since the morning. her eyes was already covered in concealer.

"yes, no matter what happens, please remember that you guys are my friends."

"but if you ever forget, atleast remember that in some point of your life, you became friends with me. you atleast know a person named rain kim."

the boys nodded their heads, allowing her words get to them and stay marked in their minds.

the rest of the boys went near them and hugged the girl, resulting in a group hug with the girl inside the circle.

"dont forget us too, okay? always remember that you became friends with us too."

rain tried to laugh at what woojin said and nodded her head, trying to act lively.

"who would forget ab6ix?"

the five of them laughed before being swallowed by silence once more.


ailee smiled as she stared at the photo before glancing at the four boys and girl hugging each other.

"one last group photo, i guess?"

she smiled to herself sadly before turning her back at the group and returning to her work post.

rainfall 💧 jeon woongWhere stories live. Discover now