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Hayley, Elijah, Klaus, and Amity stood in a row as the Strix sped in. Once they'd all come to stand together as an army, Tristan, Marcel and Aya walked to the front, stopping a few feet away.
"Ladies and gentlemen. I wish I could say it was a pleasure." Tristan greeted.
"Then you shouldn't have messed with our family." Amity retorted. Klaus was looking at Marcel.
"Marcellus. Made your bed with the enemy, I see."
"Membership has its privileges."
"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" She groaned.
"My sister?"
"Is alive." Klaus rolled his eyes. "You can thank Elijah for that. I wanted to flay her and hang her skin as a flag. But Amity's right, no need for chit-chat. Let's conclude this tedious business, shall we?"
"My sister first. And, if you're tempted to argue, consider the numbers." Amity glanced at Klaus.
"It's adorable, in a pathetic kind of way. He honestly believes he can subdue us all... with that." Amity scoffed at the army before shrugging. Klaus walked over to a shipping container, unlocking it. He stepped aside showing an Aurora-glamoured Cami with a hood on her head, wrists tied as she sat in a chair.
"If they try anything, attack." Tristan told Aya, walking forwards. He took the hood of her head, beginning to untie her.
"Oh, brother." Cami said, keeping to the facade. "You came for me."
"Always." He said softly, helping her up. She wrapped her arms around him. "Come on, come on." Cami pulled the Serratura from his pocket and moved away from him. He looked at her confused. He reached out for the Serratura. "Rory? What are you doing?" Cami slammed the device against the container wall, like we'd instructed. The warehouse shook, as Cami smirked triumphantly. Tristan attempted to leave, but was held back. "No.. Aurora. What have you done to us?"
"Not to us." Cami said, walking out to join us, before turning back to look at Tristan. "To you." The glamour faded, revealing it was Cami the entire time.
"What is this?" Tristan snarled.
"You know what they say." Hayley shrugged indifferently. "Payback's a bitch."
"How is this possible?"
"The Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary." Amity explained. "Nothing living nor dead can pass through."
"And, thanks to your lunatic sister, I'm neither." Cami said.
"No, no, no!" He yelled angered. Tristan looked at the Strix. "Well, what are you waiting for? Take them! Now!"
"Before you rush headlong toward almost certain death," Elijah stepped forward, stopping them. "As your sire, I would like you to employ just a little bit of common sense."
"We are ancient vampires, Elijah. Each of us almost as strong as you."
"Don't kid yourself." Amity scoffed. "You can't take us on."
"Amity..." Elijah said warningly.
"If you insist on no fighting, then at the very least let me issue a warning." Elijah shrugged, in a 'go ahead' gesture and Amity turned towards the army that had assembled before her. "Nothing will be able to break Tristan out of that prison. Now you can try to save your fallen leader, you will not be successful. I can assure you, you'd be fighting a losing battle. And you would suffer a price, I very much doubt you're willing to pay. Most, if not all, of you may die or worse in the process and for what? To avenge a fool marching you headlong towards your very extinction in the name of a witch's prophecy?" Amity scoffed. "You all do realize he engineered absolutely all of this purely to satisfy some petty grievance against my family?" She turned and walked toward the shipping container, smiling fakely at Tristan as she leaned against the metal door. "He doesn't care for any of you."
"Stop listening to her!" Tristan yelled as the Strix shifted, but hadn't moved.
"The only danger here is the choice that you must make." Elijah continued for her, walking forward. "You see, we are not your enemy. It's true, I delivered you into this existence. I can just as easily pluck you out of it. The choice is yours to make."
"It's done. The moment has passed. Be smart, Aya. Smarter than Tristan. Don't waste any more of our guys." Marcel said in a low voice, holding her back. Aya considered his idea and gave in, turning to the Strix.
"Stand down." She ordered. Amity smirked, taking her place beside her Klaus.
"You will not abandon me!" Tristan yelled angrily. Aya walked towards Tristan in the shipping container and looked at him regretfully.
"It's a shame it has to end like this."
"Aya, this isn't over!" Aya respectfully acknowledged him.
"May the ghosts of our fallen keep you company." She walked away.
"Aya." She didn't look away as the Strix also filed out. "Aya! Aya!"

Once the Strix had all left, Cami turned walking in the other direction, stumbling somewhat.
"Where are you going?" Klaus asked, but she ignored him. "Are you so eager to die?"
"I'm already dead." She spat and he followed after her.
"Well, at least let me thank you." Cami stopped walking.
"Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do!" She faced him, furious. "My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. You need to get that." She turned to walk away again, but Klaus vamp-sped in front of her, blocking her way, and she sighed in annoyance.
"Camille, I'm begging you." He tried. "Don't leave me." Cami continued walking, not replying. He tried to follow her but Amity stopped him, shaking her head. "I won't let her die."
"If you care for her, you will let her choose."
"I will not lose her because of your stupid principles!" He glared at his sister.
"Allow her the dignity of this choice, Nik. You force her, you lose her forever."
"She's right, Niklaus." Elijah walked over, standing beside his sister. "Now, we finish this." They all walked over to the shipping container to talk to Tristan.
"So, this is to be my end?" Elijah smirked at him patronizingly, and Klaus leaned against the door of the container. Hayley was scowling at him with hatred and fury burning in her eyes.
"No, no. This is the very beginning! You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries." Elijah taunted.
"We did plan on just ending your life, at first. But that would have been letting you off easy. You killed a member of our family. Tristan was more than a friend. And for that you deserve to suffer. So as you stay here, dying over and over, for millennia to come, remember this could have been avoided. And because of your ill-conceived goal, you will endure the fact that this is your doing. Your sister's tribulation will be on your head. And this is to be the splendidly horrific and perpetual end of Tristan de Martel. In fact, we might just make you an example of what we would do to those who oppose us."
"What have you done with my sister?"
"Oh, nothing," Klaus started, smirking. "Yet. But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular." Tristan looked somewhat afraid, as Elijah and Klaus went to close the door. Amity waved goodbye, mockingly, but Hayley stopped them.
"Wait." She walked forward and Amity stepped aside. "You took a very good man from this world. He will be with me forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face." She grabbed the container door. "Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see." She slammed the door shut and Amity put her arm around her. Amity looked at her brothers as she led Hayley away.

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