Chapter Two: Feelings (1)

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Hello~ I hope you like it so far! The story is about Hongki and you so far but dw! The other characters will slowly appear kamsamida~ <3


{Hongki's POV}

I don't know what went through me. This is like the second time we've met. Why is it so warm and fuzzy and tingly inside my body whenever I see her? She seems shocked that I've pulled her on stage.. but she's so cute and really pretty.. AISHH! What am I thinking?? I'm not suppose to be so obvious and falling for a fan..

I looked around. The staff were all puzzled and so were the members. Jonghoon seems the most annoyed. What was his problem? He was the one who hugged her first! Most of the pris seemed to be ok but there were some who were glaring.. I looked back at the beautiful girl who was sitting right next to me. She seemed happy but her face showed a bit of fright. Maybe I should stop.. I don't want her to get hurt.

I finished singing the song and took her hand. I walked her back to her seat and went back to the members. 'Kamsamida!' I yelled through the microphone and we bowed. The lights dimmed and the concert was over.

I walked backstage with the members. There was silence and Jaejin finally spoke up.

'Lee Hongki! What went through you? You can't just drag primadonnas up to the stage without permission! It's a big risk!'

'Yeah! Hyung! We were so confused!' Minhwan whined.

'Exactly.. but wasn't she the girl who fell over at the airport a couple of days ago? What, do you like her?' Seunghyun smiled slyly and nudged me.

'Yah yah yah! I don't ok? Leave me alone!' I blushed.

'Hahaha! Hongki's blushing!' Jaejin and Seunghyun laughed and pointed at me.

'Aish! You really don't know how to speak!' I replied angrily. I looked at Jong hoon who didnt seem to be talking. What's up with him?

I took a bottle of water and drank it.

'Palipali! Just come in _____! It doesn't matter!' A girl was dragging someone by the arm though the backstage door.

'Chayoung~ I can't! It's too embarrassing!' The girl finally pulled her friend through and it turned out to be the really pretty girl from before! So her name is ___.. ahhh.... I put down my bottle of water and walked up to them.

'Annyeong!' I waved and smiled.

'Ah! Annyeonghaseyo hongki oppa...' The so-called girl called Chayoung bowed.

'A-annyeonghaseyo..' _____ bowed as well.

'You two g-got backs-stage passes?' I asked. Wait, why was I stuttering? Why am I so nervous??

'Y-yeah..' ____ and Chayoung showed their passes.

'Come with me and we'll meet the other members,' I took their hands and ran with them trailing behind me. Ahh.. ____'s hand is so soft..

I took them to the dressing room where the members had just finished changing. The two girls seemed shocked and were jumping up and down with excitement. How cute. keke The members and ____ and Chayoung greeted each other and soon we were talking like friends.

{Your POV}

It's amazing meeting all the members! I'm so happy to be talking to them! Chayoung seems really excited as well.

'So who's your favourite member?' Jaejin suddenly popped up an embarassing question.

Chayoung answered first. 'Y-you...' She blushed and Jaejin was taken aback.

'Ka-kamsamida,' He replied while bowing. '____, you?'

I turned red. 'Urm..urm..' All the members looked at me seriously, especially Hongki and Jonghoon. 'H-hongki oppa...'

'Hehehe!' Hongki hugged me and poked his tongue out at Jonghoon. What? Was this a competition between those two? I laughed at how silly they were.

'Aww~~ so cute!' Hongki exclaimed and pinched my cheeks lightly. All the members laughed including Jonghoon.


Thank you for reading~ keke Did this seem long or short? Well, I guess it's mainly verbal text.. part 2 of Feelings is coming up next~~ <3

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