My Boyfriends a Vampire we met in college

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Lauren Thomas is a 24 year old college student with brown hair with colored extensions her best friend is Kayla adams. Kayla has a great boyfriend named Andy vincent Lauren on the other hand is single. Will Lauren ever find a great boyfriend or will she find so much more???


Lauren wakes up every morning at 8am gets dressed normally in a band shirt and jeans. She goes to a community college sadly her best friend goes to a diffrent one so Lauren has no friends. She is going to college to be a web designer but also loves writing,music, and Vampires. Everyone kinda thinks the vampire thing is silly but Kayla they both have so much in common it's scary. Lauren volunteers in the morning at a hospital then takes her classes in the afternoon and night. Kayla is meeting Lauren at the hospital to go to a quick lunch before classes. They are going to their favorite place to eat that's cheap subway when they get there Kayla orders the food then they sit down.

Kayla talking to Lauren

"So how is school?"

"it's cool haven't made any friends yet"

"You will  soon"

"Yeah you wanna go to the mall ?"

Can't this week "

"Well what about next weekend?"


They finished eating Kayla went off and Lauren called a cab then went on to campus.

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