Wyoming: The Platte River Ship of Death

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There are endless creepy tales in the wilds of Wyoming, among them a headless woman who haunts the lodge at Old Faithful. But the creepiest is also the most overlooked: A ghost ship that materialized out of a spectral fog on the Platte River. The cursed crew huddles on the deck of the old sailboat, surround a body. If the onlooker persists in looking, the corpse is revealed to be that of a still-living loved one, who will then die soon afterward. The ship was first reportedly spotted in 1892 by a trapper named Leon Weber, whose girlfriend died shortly after he envisioned her on the cursed deck. Legend has it that the last documented sighting claimed the life of a lumberjack's friend back in 1903. There have been no "official" sightings since, though you could forgive people for getting the hell away from the river as soon as the fog rolls in.

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