"Lyss, we might have to throw the cat out." He laughs as Sam jumps onto his chest. His claws dig into the fabric of Harry's shirt.

"I'm sorry. He's excited about seeing a new face." I pick Sam up and place him on the floor again.

"So, what do you have planned for me tonight?" Harry set his wine glass on the coffee table and pulls me on top of him, laying us on the sofa.

"Dinner, a movie, possibly a joint." I kiss his chest and then neck. "Sex. Lots of sex."

"I like that plan a lot." He groans, trailing his hands along my hips.

It seems like we can't have a second alone because my phone rings in the back pocket of my jean shorts.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" Harry roars and slams his head into the pillow cushions.

"It's my mother." I reject her call, but at the same time, see that I have a text message from Mandy that I missed ten minutes earlier.

We're coming into the city tonight. Come out with us!-M

I quickly text her back that I won't be joining them.

"Who is that?" Harry asks, placing his hands behind his head.

"A friend from work. She wants me to go to a club with her later." I shrug.

"Oh, well you should go."

"No, Harry. This night is about us."

"Alyssa, I don't want you to put your life on hold because of me. If you want to go out, then go. I will be more than happy to stay her and sleep." His words are sweet, but his face says that he wants to spend time together.

"I'm not going out." I come to a conclusion. "There will be plenty of time for that later."

Harry nods. "Okay, fine."

I crawl up his body and begin kissing him again. "Why are you being so short with me?"

"Because I know you're lying. You want to go with your friends. I can tell."

"Okay, so maybe I do, but I want to be with you more." I sit up straddling his hips.

"I'm just saying... stop slowing down because you're with me. You're young. You want to go out, go out. You've been hanging with me for so long; you probably don't know how to have fun anymore."

"You just like to complain, is that it?" I lean over and shut him up with my lips. "Okay, how about this. You come out with me."

Harry laughs heartily. "Alyssa, I haven't been to a club since like, 2002."

"Wow," I said in shock. "That's a long time ago."

"Tell me about it,"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just never realized it's been that long. It's about time you get out there and live."

"I am living."

"Okay, new plan. I'm inviting Mandy over and we're all going out." I jump off of the sofa and bring him with me.

"Lyss, no." He groans.

"You brought this on yourself. You want me to go out and have fun, so that's what I'm going to do."

"Then leave me at home."

"No chance in hell."

I send Harry into the guest bedroom to get ready. He's left a suit here before, and I tell him he can wear that. He'll probably be overdressed, but it's fine. He offers to save water and shower together, but if that happens, I probably won't leave the house.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑! | harry styles जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें