Five Nights at Deku's pt2

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Quick A/N. Whenever I load up my keyboard, this is what I see. Help.

~Back to Tokyo~~Four Years later~

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~Back to Tokyo~
~Four Years later~

It's been four years now. I would be seven, Michal ten, Lizzie fourteen, and James twenty. I miss them 

We were replaced by the new Animatronics — the "Toy Animatronics." I could recognize the Animatronic style. They were made by Uncle All Might. They seem to have something extra. I think they were made with face recognition software, but I don't know.

~No POV but following Deku~

We were looking at the toy Animatronics. They looked weird.

Instead of the fur suits, these looked to be made of plastic. The Toy Bonnie was blue instead of green.

The Toy Foxy suit was a girl and was called Mangle. I-I didn't like the new suits. They seemed empty, and hollow. They didn't talk when talked to. They were creepy. They had no life in their eyes. Tokyo says that if they have a white dot in their eyes, that means they have life. The- these don't have that.

"Wait, so if the dots mean there is a soul inside, does that mean this group has no soul in them yet?" Mina asked although she got no answer. Tokyo had fallen asleep and Deku had found a blanket to put around her. Mina took that as a yes.


(That's how my mom says Fu*k 😂)

Tokyo shot up, conjured a knife, and brought it to Bakugou's neck. "Do that again and I won't hesitate to pulverize you." She sat back down and the movie began again.

~Back to Tokyo~
~One Day Later~

I went into the safe room to find five more children dead. Why does it always happen when I can't prevent it! I guessed Purple Guy snuck in using a night guard outfit. I examined the group of children. All around three years old. One boy with black spiked hair, another with bright yellow spiked hair. On girl that was pink all over with tiny horns, and one with green hair and goggles on her head.

The four students gasped at their horrid state.

Tsu just pointed her's out, "I was stabbed at the bottom of my chin. Interesting."

Denki was mad a Jirou, "Why are you laughing?! We are dead!!!" "You were stabbed in the head to show your stupidity when you use your quirk!!!!!!" Jirou said in between bouts of laughter.

Kirishima and Mina were holding each other, crying. "I feel so terrible! You were stabbed right in the temple!"

"Kiri! You got stabbed in the eye! What do you mean you feel terrible?!"

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