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Atlantic City, 1948

The summer sun glimmered as the Warren family had a lunch in the back yard of the large home. The younger children played in the pool splashing each other with water as their laughter grew with each second. The men dressed in their summer suits sat at the table discussing Jackie Robinson's latest catch and the woman dressed in expensive summer dresses were cooking and gossiping as their laughter filled the kitchen.

Elizabeth sat the table alone, she could see everyone's mouths move,their animated movements. She could see her brother throw back his head laughing but she couldn't hear anything, she couldn't say anything either which made communication with average person nearly impossible. She wasn't born like this in fact she was a very healthy baby but at the age of four she contracted meningitis which left her deaf and mute. Her father tried everything to help he even got other doctors to treat her but it was all futile.

The damage had been done she would live the rest of her life in loneliness. Young women her age were already courting a man or married but she knew that was out of the question for her, no man would want her.

She sat alone as she watched everyone around interact, she would give anything to be able to hear again, to speak again. She was wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't see her father approaching her. He tapped her lightly so she could look up to him.

"Are you alright?". He said signed. She had learnt how to speak sign language from the age of four as well as everyone in her immediate family, though her mother still struggled a bit. She could also read lips a little it just depended on the person and the word they were saying. She have him a small smile and nodded.

"I'm swell, thank you". She signed and he nodded. Jeffrey Warren worried about his youngest daughter, she always seemed withdrawn and spaced out.

He remembered how happy she was when she was a little girl before she got sick. She enjoyed listening to music and was learning how to play the piano when she fell ill. He felt like a failure, fourteen years of medical school and he couldn't help his own daughter. He could see the sadness in her eyes no matter how hard she tried to hide it, he could feel her sadness and his heart broke for her.

She was nineteen, most of her friends were courting young men and preparing for marriage whilst no man has asked for her hand yet. She was undoubtedly stunning and men approached her at all turns but as soon as they found out about her muteness and deafness they were turned off. He opted to keep her indoors where he could keep his eye on her and no could hurt her.

On those days that she would go out, she would have her teacher Doris who had been teaching her since she was six. They would go to the beach, she would observing the people and paint them. Once they were done they would go to the boardwalk and get ice cream.

"Do you want to join us". He signed and gestured to the table where the men in her family were seated. She knew only her brother and father could speak in sign language and her cousins and uncles wouldn't understand her. She also didn't want to spoil their fun, it would be dull having a conversion with someone who couldn't speak or make any sounds.

"No thank you, enjoy yourself". She signed as she saw people starting to dance, she was confused for a moment but quickly realised that perhaps someone had put on the record player.

Her older sister frequented jazz clubs with her friends, she wouldn't be able to hear anything so it would be useless for her to go. She saw her aunt approach her father and say something to him, he said something back and she nodded smiling at Elizabeth before walking away.

"Are you sure ,you're okay". He asked and she nodded giving him a fake smile.

"I'm tired so I will rest a little before lunch, go dance with the others". She signed getting up to give him a kiss on the cheek before rushing into the house accidentally bumping into her mother. Catherine tried stopping her daughter but she just rushed past her.

"Give her space". Jeffrey said to his wife who looked at her daughter in concern. Elizabeth rushed into her room, opening her large doors. She threw herself on her soft bed staring into blank space as tears rolled down her cheeks. Sometimes she wished she had never been born.

*Italics indicates sign language.

New story, what do you guys think. Interested?. I've had this in my head for a while now I finally have time to write it. I hope that you enjoy it.

If you want me to continue please let me know, looking forward to your replies ❤️

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