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His breathing was slow.

Too slow.

"C'mon! Breathe!"

"It's been too long. I'm sorry."

"No! I can feel it! He's still alive in there somewhere!"

"He's not breathing. He has no heartbeat. He's dead, Max."

"I can tell! Don't tell me that he's dead, God wouldn't let that happen!"

"You have to let go. People die. It's natural. You have to accept that, Maxine."

"Shut up!"

One, two, three. Pause. Four, five, six. Pause. Seven, eight, nine.

She pinched his nostrils and blew into his mouth. "Breathe!" She said as she continued CPR on the limp body.

"MAX!" She was pushed off of him and onto the ground. "He's gone. Will is gone."

"N-no way. I can't let him die." Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to get back up again, but was pushed down by her brother.

"He's already gone." Billy said bluntly, but there was a hint of pity for his sister in his eyes.

Max stopped fighting. She went limp, closing her eyes tightly. Her brother's arms closed around her as he tried to comfort her from some of the pain. As if it would ever go away.

It was her fault. All hers. He had died because of her.

Her best friend—dead. Her only friend—dead.

All she had now was her brother.

Then he breathed.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed our first little...sneak peak. This takes place in an AU from the normal Stranger Things universe. All will be explained in due time!

Please comment, vote, and, if you enjoyed, I would really appreciate if you recommended this book to others!

Anyways, I know the prologue was very short but the chapters are significantly longer, I promise! I hope you enjoyed ^v^

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