Endwaar Depler

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I didn't understand what I was. Not until it was to late. I don't know why people want to be us or date us. I don't know why we are what we are. I'm sixteen-thousand years old, but really I'm only 16. At my school I'm just another kid. Endwaar Depler, is my name I am a vampire. A filthy blood sucking leach. To make matters worst this is the year I find my weaver. A weaver is the person we fall in love with and spend your life with.

Swinek Deffis is the new kid. Now I think there's something I should tell you about this school, we're all atheist. Not a single person who believes in god is in this school. So I knew we had one thing in common. But he's human....humans want to be vampires and I want to be human. He looked depressed and he didn't speak. He wrote his name on the bored and sat next to me.

Hey I'm Ink what's your name? He wrote on a pice of paper and slid it to me.

I'm Endwaar nice to meet you. I wrote back he smiled a little and brushed his long black hair out of his eyes.

Vamp. name right? I've always loved the name. He slid back the paper and I let out a small growl making him flinch. I felt bad.

Yeah it is sorry I growled I have social problems. I slid it back and he nodded. Then we had to get out our books. I feel a pull towards him it's weird.

After school he came up to me. Hey um do you wanna hang out? His hair was covering his eyes again.

"Um sure can we go to my house first so I can tell my mother?" I ask glancing at my car.

Yeah but um where can we go after? He wrote.

"We can stay there if you want what about your house though?" I wanted to know more about him so bad I guess it was kinda prying though.

Um I don't um I don't really have one at the moment....

"What about your parents?"

They kicked me out because I'm an atheist and I'm gay so I moved here I've been hiding out in the library

"Do you trust me?" I asked. He was telling me things he shouldn't tell someone he just met.

I've never had friends so I um you where nice to me and well yeah I think I trust you a lot. He said a slight blush crept on his pale cheeks and he looked down.

"Ok let's go my car is over here" I say grabbing his wrist lightly and pulling him to my crappy lemon car. "It's not much but it took me two-thousand years to save up for it." He giggles as I opened the passenger door for him then went to the other side. I have a friend. I wonder where he was at lunch. He could have sat with me, oh well.

"Mother father I'm home." I say loudly. My mother comes down.

"How was your day love? did you find your- oh is this him he's quite lovely. What's your name love?" he asked him.

"I haven't found my weaver yet it's only been a week. This is Swinek Deffis he goes by Ink if you'd please call him that and he will be staying with us" I say with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Alright I'll have the maid clean the room next to yours" she turns to Ink "is green ok?"

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