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Hello, it is the Sargent here reporting for duty.

Anyway, to get right to the point, I just wanted to clarify something with you. I haven't updated this book in a long time, but I am gonna do a big update today and tomorrow if I don't get all of the songs I want to get done today.

The other thing is that I am never that relevant with all of the new songs that come out, so don't expect me to make a new update each time a new song comes out. I have decided that from now on, I will do all the songs that are requested, and the songs that I like, so if there happens to be a song that is new, but I hate it, I will not do it. Aslo, if there is an old song that I love, like, for example, Livin On A Prayer, I will most likely do it. I just wanted to let you know that, and if you read this really quickly after a put this up, then expect a bunch of updates very soon.

This is the Sargent, over and out.

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