Chapter 1

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"I got you, Eren!" The snowball lands directly on the brunette little boy's head, revealing a series of giggles and laughter.

The six year old kid reciprocated the attack, throwing snowballs repeatedly back at me. Missing every single one smoothly, I laugh in victory. "You cannot beat the queen of the winter! You can't-!"

It was all too soon. My locks of hair was now flowing with the many particles of the snow; my ears met with the sound of Eren screaming in delight. I laugh alongside with my little brother.

He was all I really had. My pops was always working and our mother has been far away from Paradis, far away from us. They did a lot to support us but Eren and I had managed this all of our lives, especially me taking care of the little boy since his birth.

Eren begins to bring together the snow, forming a rather odd-looking, deformed block of snow, attempting the first tier of the figure. I rolled my eyes playfully and began to head to where he was building. As I begin to kneel down and place my hand on the snow, my gloved right hand meets with another gloved hand. I quickly pull away and with a plop, I fall onto the snow.

"I didn't mean to surprise you, Y/N." The most beautiful eyes meet with mine, with me absorbing his beautiful face before I nodded.

He lends a hand to me which I accept politely. "No worries, Levi. I'm all good," I reply casually before turning down towards Eren, who was giggling to the whole fiasco.

"No kissing!" He exclaims, which leads me to widening my eyes and Levi letting out a 'tsk'.

He pats Eren's head. "She's my friend, I could never." He gives me a little smile as I lowkey die inside.

See, Levi and I have been the closest friends since birth. We were destined to be friends. It all started when our mothers were rushed together at the hospital and we have since then been close.

As we grow older, things did change. We made new friends, drifted, argued, and once in a while hang out. So moments like these were special. As much as I grew up and began to have a little crush on him, I knew it wasn't possible. I was nothing but like a sister to him, and that's all I was ever going to be to this frustrating, stoic angel known as Levi Ackerman.

Besides, Eren saw him as an older brother too, and was currently playing around with my boyfriend.

Wait, where the hell did he come out of?

"Y/N! You didn't tell me Eren here was building a snowman." Erwin gracefully walked towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist. He looks at Levi. "Hey man. Babysitting my girl?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Erwin. I'm an adult." I poured out before giggling. Levi looks at him emotionless.

"Hello, Eyebrows. Well, Y/N. I should get going-,"

I stopped Levi by moving in front of him. "No, wait!" He takes a step back, eyeing Erwin before looking at him. Giving Levi one of the best smiles, I pull out my phone and show him the email.

"What? No way! You reserved me a spot-what?" Struck by shock, Levi stands frozen in the snow for a few seconds before he walks away and disappears.

"Levi, my phone!" I call out too late, the man is gone. Shrugging my shoulders, I look at Erwin for what to do next. He motions to the door of the house and I call out for Eren.

No answer. "Where did this little devil head off to?" I groan, searching the yard for my brother. He usually runs off to the backyard of our home, but he tells me. Now, this little 6 year old could probably be inside the house without telling me, but this was oddly strange.

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