Revealed Motives

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It was already a day after our confrontation and I can feel 'him' slowly disappearing into useless code. Afterall, when there's a virus there is something to eradicate it.

"M/n, I'll be going to the mall do you need anything honey?" Mom asked an I responded with a no and I heard her left. Izuku was with Katsuki, who hasn't deviated from the changes, and I'm here alone. I still ponder, why am I here again? What is my tru purpose? To achieve the best possible outcome?

"Heya." "Betty? How did you get in?" I asked the girl as she sips from a carton of chocolate milk. "Midoriya gave me keys." She said "So. After all that tension back in the observation room. Are you good with Kiri amd Iida?" She asked and it completely slipped my mind. "Not yet. I'm planning to take them to a cute date but..." "But what?" "I'm just a tiny bit afraid." And with that she laughed.

"Surely you're joking. Right?" "I'm not. What if they hate me now...." I said as I remember what Katsuki said that afternoon. "They won't. They'll understand." She said as she pats my shoulder.

What's this feeling all of a sudden...

"What are you hiding M/n?" She asked as her eyes glowed pink. "Crap-" and with that I can't move. She's looking into my memories. Damn it!

"What did you do." She asked in a stern tone. "I have to tell Midoriya and Bakugo." She said but I stopped her. "No. Don't. Its for Katsuki and Izuku's happiness." "Happiness?! What you did was selfish. You should've just talked not manipulate him. And not to mention playing with life like that. Just reset when life is not in your favor. What exactly are you trying to achieve?" She rants and I look at her with pity. "If you had the same power you would've done the-"

"I won't! I won't take advantage of my power just to play around with the feelings and lives of other people! I won't interfere the course of life! I would never do the same if I had your power!" She yelled "I know you refer to 16 as a virus, an error, don't you think you're the same? The cause won't justify hour actions. You've manipulated everyone just to see what happens next, you played life like a game of of curiousity. You were never satisfied with the outcome." She continued.

"I AM DOING THIS JUST TO SAVE MOM AND DAD!" I snapped. "Hey M/n..." Izuku entered the apartment. "ALL MY LIFE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAVE MOM AND DAD FROM BEING KILLED AT THAT CURSED DAY! I WANTED TO SAVE THEM FROM ME! IF IT WEREN'T FOR ME THEY WOULD BE HERE! BUT EVERYTIME I RESET I ALWAYS END UP IN THE SAME OUTCOME!" I yelled "NO ONE KNOWS HOW I FEEL! You keep blabbering about how I don't know what you feel when the truth is that you all don't know what I feel. You of all people should know that!" I pointed at her.

"Why can't you bring yourself to the fact that... They're gone... You can't change anything." Betty said as she walked to the door. "Take care of M/N Izuku. I'll be going" She left.

"What happened?"

"Some secrets were shared."

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