💐heart issues💐

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And they called it puppy love
Just because we're in our teens
Tell them all, please tell them it isn't fair
To take away my only dream

The teacher's soft voice succumbed slowly into the background of your deep thoughts as you contently watched how the cloud-like curtains fluttered with the wind coming from the open window. Clear blue, the sky was spotless, making it look even more immense than it already did, flowers' petals and trees rustled with the soft breeze, you inhaled deeply with a smile extending on your lips. It smelled like summer.

Your gaze wandered around the classroom, enjoying the warm palette in which the room was painted in as it had such a loving effect when the walls would be kissed by the sun rays. Everything seemed to be, as usual, almost everything. Without being to help it your eyes had already landed on a certain person, admiring the way that his shoulders had grown to be so steady and broad, and how they were looking from where you were watching him, admiring the unnatural silver shade that his hair was dyed into, how it shone like a million diamonds in the sun. But your favorite part was the way his delicate and milky fingers tapped absentmindedly on the desk, his back hunched over the desk as if he'd fall asleep at any moment.

Baekhyun was starting to change.

In class, everything was the same as always, while he was the one who was truly changing, the fact made your heart do a tiny but painful squeeze in your chest. You didn't know why you were feeling like that, so... so anxious about it. It was something for you completely inexplicable. Somehow you feared that Baekhyun would grow on his own and drift away from you, he was a dear friend and you'd hate to have him become someone else, someone that wasn't Baekhyun. Baekhyun was always surrounded by many people, so loved and yet, he always found time to be with you. It would be a lie if you said that it didn't make you feel reassured from your worries, but yet, a part of you was still afraid that what the two of you had would disappear. 

As if he felt your stare burn on his skin, Baekhyun faced back, having his eyes meet with yours at first glance. Caught off guard, you flinched the slightest while trying your best to control the blood from reaching your cheeks. However, your efforts were to be wasted when his eyes formed into two glistening crystal moons, his lips stretching into a smile that even though you couldn't make out his reasons behind it, it shone brightly so that you for a second considered Baekhyun being an actual sun. His perfect pearl teeth showed and you feared that he would see you actually melting into your seat, leaving behind your furiously beating heart.

Flustered, you looked away, not really knowing what to name the reason to why your heart was like a sea in a storm inside of your chest. It worried you. 

On the other side, you could hear Baekhyun still a laugh and in a second you had forgotten about anything you had been thinking about as you were quick to send him a scowl, but the harsh expression didn't last long on your features because the view of Baekhyun's back shaking in silent laughter delighted your heart so much that you oh so clearly could feel it swell with happiness in your chest. While you absentmindedly leaned your cheek into your palm, a sigh escaped your lips and you let your eyes fix on Baekhyun's figure once again, but this time with no intention of looking away. When your eyes met again, you could feel the waves crash violently against your ribs and yet you didn't look away, as if your gaze had been glued onto his, letting his eyes find whatever they were searching for inside of yours.

His eyes whom in the sun were like jewels but once you'd stare into them, they'd turn into deep, deep oceans with no bottom, making whoever who'd stare into them feel lost and adrift, his gaze was something to you almost dazing as it took all of your will power to look away from his treasures, almost as if his eyes alone could put you under an inescapable spell.

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